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Inside Be Your Own Boss

Insider's Basic Training

The Power Of Residual Income
Earning residual Income is a powerful and efficient way to earn income. It's the way inventors, authors, actors and musicians earn income. We call it "residual income" because we earn money in the future for work we have already performed.
What Do You Bring To The Table
Have you ever gone to a potluck dinner and forgot to bring a dish? Do you remember how it felt to arrive empty-handed? Have you ever applied for a job you really wanted but for which you were not quite qualified. In both cases, you did not bring enough to the table
Evaluating Home Business Opportunities
Home business opportunities are available almost everyone. They usually require very little up-front investment. Most home-based businesses pay commissions on sales you refer using a "Pay for Performance" income model. Many home-based businesses offer long-term residual income opportunities.
Want To Earn Money Online? - Get Your Training
If you have a day job you most likely needed training. The more training you got, the more money your time was worth. Working online is no different. If you want success, you need to earn it the old fashioned way.

Internet Marketing Boot Camp

Working Outside The Comfort Zone
"Be Your Own Boss," is about having a dream, then actualizing it in the real world. We are all capable of so much more than we think we are. But if we are not willing to push ourselves outside our comfort zone, we will never discover our ultimate capabilities.
Fishing On the Net
The Internet is a vast ocean of information; our webpages are fishing lines each waiting for a fish to bite. If you intend to sell something on the Internet you must use some sort of bait. First, you need to attract visitors to your web site. The best way to do this is to offer unique information.
Planning Your Internet Business
The following is an introduction to planning your Internet business. If you are just getting started, or are considering an Internet based business, you can avoid many of the errors that can ruin it before you even begin.
Fool's Gold
If you believed that there was a easy way to make a lot of money online without much effort, wouldn't you consider trying it? Don't settle for "fools gold." Go for the real thing. Use opt-in email your marketing in combination with powerful, informative, sales letters for all your products and services.
How Not To Get Ripped Off Online
There is a GIANT industry exploiting "Newbies," Internet users new to the Web who want to grow a home-based Internet Business. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is NOT true. Make sure you are getting the whole story.

Choosing Products To Sell

The Easiest Path To Success
We tend to make Internet Marketing too complex; it's actually quite simple. Find a market that is easy to reach and then find a need within that market that only you can fill. This is the easiest path to success and almost everyone overlooks it!
Find A Desire & Feed It
People don't subscribe to newspapers and magazines to read the ads. People subscribe for the CONTENT. People use the Internet to find information by entering a keyword phrase in a search engine. This is marketing by "attraction," and it helps level the playing field.
Launching A Complementary Product
A complementary product is one that adds value to your primary product. Complementary products produce ADDED VALUE to your primary product or service. These benefits make your primary product more attractive and easier to sell.

Going Professional

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Why do you think that only five percent of the population works independently? It's because everyone else is looking for someone OUTSIDE of himself or herself to tell him or her what to do. It's VERY difficult to earn an income, on the Internet. If it were easy, anyone could do it.
Internet Based Business Hobby-To-Pro
The transition from hobby to professional is difficult. Most people don't have enough desire to put in the effort required. Success online is not easier than a brick and mortar business, but it can be a lot more profitable.
Smaller Size Has Advantages
The smart home worker can take advantage of current trends, giveing us a distinct advantage.We can outsell the corporations by getting a higher percentage of business from within a very narrow niche. We can pinpoint our focus; do well on a smaller profit margin.

Home-Based Business - Strategies

Growing Your Home-Based Business - The Basics
There is no shortage of business opportunities online.Find a business opportunity with a reasonable probability that you can earn $300. Then move your goal to $300 a month, then $300 a week, and so on. I used $300 dollars, but use any number you like.
Cooperation or Competition
Cooperation builds trust and credibility online. Trust and credibility in turn builds sales. Rather than fear my competitors, I embrace them. It simply makes good business sense to cooperate. Prime the pump; give if you want to get.
Grow Your Own Associate Program
Your associates actually work for you for free, you don't pay anything until they make a sale. Every other method involves out-of-pocket costs with no guarantee of success. The average product with an affiliate program will generate over two and a half times more sales.
Don't Play Follow The Leader
You ATTRACT visitors and sales online through the principle of attraction "FIND A MARKET that is easy to reach and then find a need in that market that you can fill. This is the easiest way to success and almost EVERYONE OVERLOOKS IT."

Building A Strong Foundation

Some Things Never Change
Long time direct marketers often seem to have almost instant success marketing on the Internet. The reason is simple. Direct marketers have known for a long time how to use their knowledge of basic human nature to sell products. They focus on the customer's desire.
Earn Free Traffic Through Planning
Most people think the hardest part of marketing online is developing traffic. Attracting traffic is easy once you understand your unique gift. Your web presence is a reflection of what you have to give - not what you want to get. It works somewhat the reverse of ordinary thinking.
You Can't Fake a Marathon
One key to being successful at anything worthwhile is moving ahead one step at a time, applying the knowledge gained in the previous step. Build your business in the same way a runner trains for the marathon. Don't focus on the finish line; focus on the process, on each and every step

Achiving Marketing Success

Successful People Make More Mistakes
"Successful people make more mistakes than most, but they are successful because they try so many more things. Eventually they get something right. They don't win every time, but they end up winners in the end simply because they don't give up.
Success = A Lot of Time and A Little Money
It requires at least 100 hours to learn the basics of Internet marketing. It will take a lot more time if you also need to learn how to use the Internet and your computer. If your success isn't not worth at least a 100 hours investment in marketing boot camp, don't bother. Keep your day job.
Start Swimming Or Sink Like A Stone
Leaders Never Quit,The person who won't be beat can't be beat. Don't play the game if you are willing to lose. Plan on success being difficult and you won't be disappointed. Treat your business like a business not a hobby, and you'll be one of the top 5% enjoying success!

Developing Compelling Content

Prime The Pump - Give Before You Get
Develop valuable content in your area of expertise. Internet success comes through developing and sharing compelling content. If you are serious enough to be in that top five to ten percent in your business niche. Invest the time and effort to belong there.
Providing Valuable Content Content On Purpose
Gold is valuable because it's hard to find. Content is information that has a high value to a targeted niche. Your content is information in which you have a special expertise. Its value comes from the fact that you know it and others don't.
Facts Tell But Content Sells
Commercial sponsors spend millions on advertising. They know If you are not interested in the content of the programming they sponsor, you will not support their products. Online we must attract our visitors. Our aim is to get the biggest percentage of the narrowest targeted buyers.

Digital Electronic Publishing

Publish Your Own Information Product
This is my third information product. When I created my first and second information products, there was no such thing as an electronic book. The following story should help you understand the process required to create your own information product.
Earn Unlimited Profit Publishing E-Books
Last year selling information in an ebook format accounted for over 20% of all Internet sales, and the percentage is growing. Information products are almost 100% profit. The key is to offer detailed, valuable, hard-to-find information in your special area of expertise at a reasonable price.

How To Sell More Online

10 Ways To Market Your Business Online
Marketing on the Internet isn't really hard to understand. It's perhaps too easy. Internet marketing works a lot like offline marketing. The major difference is that the costs of marketing and follow up online are much less
The Seven Most Popular Sales Strategies
The most effective marketing strategies are often the least understood. The following are the seven most popular strategies in order of their effectiveness.

Mastering Your Web Site

Choosing Your Business Hosting Service
Make sure you choose a hosting company offers the services you need NOW, and those you MAY need in the future. Make sure they offer Java, statistical reporting, real audio, real video, mail list management, and a search engine. If you use Microsoft's Front Page, make sure they offer Front Page extensions.
How To Make A Custom Bookmark Icon In Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+
The little things you do can make all the difference in the bottom line. I'm going to tell you about a little known feature in Internet Explorer version 5 that will help your bookmarks stand out from the rest by creating your own distinctive icon.
Using JavaScript Templates
Designing with templates is a more efficient way to establish the look you want online. The advantage of using JavaScript templates is that you can make a change to your JavaScript template and the changes instantly appear on ALL of the pages on your web site.

Developing Traffic

Web Site Submission & Promotion Basics
Have you noticed how movie titles are only 1 to four words long. This is on purpose. A good movie can flop unless its essence can be communicated in a VERY few words. This is exactly what we do on the Internet when we create our domain name, choose our keywords and develop our promotional strategy.
Your Domain - Home Sweet Home
Your domain works like a motor home; it moves with you. Your domain name is simply a registered Internet address called an IP number. Whenever someone types in your unique domain name they are automatically forwarded to your 12 digit Internet address configured to your domain name.
The META-Tags
No web site is finished without META-Tags. META-Tags are HTML code that you insert into your finished web page. When you enter a word or phrase in a search engine, the information displayed in the search results is usually contained in your META-Tags.
Where Are Your Visitors Are Coming From?
Targeting your visitors and tracking your visitors are different activities. You target your visitors using the principal of attraction and you TRACK your visitors to measure your targeting success.

Understanding Keywords

The Proper Selection Of Keywords
If you developed the greatest web web site in the world for the best product or service and did not develop a keyword strategy you will not get many visitors via the search engines.
Developing A Keyword Strategy - In Detail
Use popular keywords in power combinations. keywords. Often the combination is more powerful than its parts. You may have a great keyword but if everyone else is also using it also, you may still be too far down in the listings.
How Many Keywords - A Tutorial
The search engines don't follow any rules, THEY MAKE THE RULES. They are independent and in every case, they will rank web sites according to their needs not yours. They don't publish their priorities so it's up to us to figure out what they want.

Submitting Your Web Site

The Submission Process Step-By-Step
I would like to share with you exactly what I have done to earn several top ten listings as well as many more top 50 listings. I earn over a million hits a month using this process. It did not happen overnight, it's a ongoing never-ending process.
Submitting Alone Is Not Enough
Each search engine is an independent business. They are not required to do anything to help you. In order to obtain higher placements we must help the search engines do their job by keeping our pages targeted as specifically as possible.

Multi-Level & Network Marketing

Is Multi-Level Marketing Dead On The Web?
NO! In fact, Multi-Level Marketing online is growing like crazy. In a nutshell, Direct Marketing provides one inexpensive alternative to the high cost of starting a business. In other words, it is a low risk way to "earn while you learn."
Choosing The Right Home-Based Business Opportunity
Most Multi-Level companies suggest getting your training from your sponsor. Your sponsor is most likely just learning also, so how can they train you? If the company has done its pre-marketing and market testing, they will be able to support your efforts with training aids, and marketing materials.
Winning The Opportunity Lottery
The key to success is not contained in the opportunity. Great opportunities are everywhere. The key to success is how you invest your efforts in learning the skills that will actually take you where you want to go.

Marketing And Training Resources

Smithfam's Primary Internet Marketing Resources
You can discover valuable resources for your web site management and Internet based business marketing strategies on the pages of my primary web site, "Smithfam's Internet Marketing Support."
Highly Recommended Internet Marketing Publications
I subscribe to over 100 Internet marketing publications. The following newsletters are the most useful marketing publications I have discovered over the last five years. I feel that my success was made easier utilizing the information found in them.
Educational Training Resources
Internet marketing is full of hype from self-proclaimed experts. You must educate yourself if you intend to earn a full time income online. The ONE product you can buy that always generates profit is education.

Webmastering Resources

Free & Low Cost Web Site Tune-Ups & Utilities
Finding the right tools can do wonders for building your Internet business. The following are few of my favorite free or low cost promotional web-tools.
Interactive Scripts To Automate Your Web Site
I am not going to lie to you and tell you that configuring scripts is easy. It is not. But as I often say, "If it was easy everyone would be doing it." Adding interactivity to a web site brings your visitors back repeatedly. I use and recommend the following sources and scripts.
Search Engine Promotional Tools And Resources
I work on optimizing one page to one search engine per day. After 3 years, I average well over 5000 page views a day. More Importantly, my average visitor visits 4.6 pages during their visit.  Here are the sources of the tools and resources responsible.

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