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Be Your Own Boss
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10 Key Concepts Used in Be Your Own Boss
_Everyone wants to boil it down so here we go. The following is an over simplified approach, but let me explain anyway.
A Vision
_You must develop a vision in order to know where to start and what to do. Your vision is about what you have to give NOT what you want to GET. A business is defined and directed by its vision.
_Everything you need to know about growing your business is already contained in your vision. "Be Your Own Boss" will help you find your unique gift. Once you have discovered your unique gift there is no doubt left, it will require you greatest strengths. When you find it, write it down where you can see it every day.
A Vehicle
_You need a vehicle to get there. The vehicle in "Be Your Own Boss" is the Internet but includes much more than that. Just as a vehicle must follow a map, a business must follow a plan. A business plan starts with a unique selling position, and a series of clearly defined and easily achievable goals.
_In order to sell anything you MUST have a strategy to attract targeted traffic. "Be Your Own Boss"goes into great detail about how to use the principal ofattraction to attract prospects and generate sales.
_Developing unique and compelling content is the most powerful way to attract visitors on the Internet. If money is water, then content is the pump. Every popular radio or TV program uses program content to attract a demographically unique audience. Our culture rewards content development through various forms of sponsorship. "Be Your Own Boss" details various content development models and how to implement them into your business.
_Passion is the most important and least understood ingredient in any business. Passion is also the most unstable element and the most difficult to control. Passion is like gunpowder, uncontrolled it's explosive and unmanageable. Yet it's your passion what shapes your vision giving direction and power."Be Your Own Boss"helps you to control and take full advantage of your passion.
_If a gun was your vehicle, gunpowder your passion, effective targeting is the bullet casing that shapes the charge. Taking careful aim at your target market insures a bull eye every time. Our target market must be ready, willing and qualified to buy.
Community Building
_On the Internet, real communication is more difficult, which makes it even more important. Maintaining some form a mailing list, a newsletter or a visitor's forum are all good ways to develop a sense of community. People won't buy from you unless they feel you can be trusted. "Be Your Own Boss" explains why you should always say what you will do and do what you say, and set a good example for others to follow..
_Success is not the end point in the process, it's just feedback that something you are doing is starting. However, once you taste success you know you are on the right path, You are ready to fine tune and automate your selling system. "Be Your Own Boss" can't insure your success but it can remove any excuse for failing.
_This one is simple. You simply do more of whatever is working best and less of what isn't working. If McDonalds would have stopped after their first successful drive in fast food business business you would have never heard of them today. Success is developing a "Franchise Mentality". Selling consumable products and renewable services are examples.
Back End Selling
_There will never be any sale as easy as a sale to an existing satisfied customer. Once you have earned a customer your emphasis shifts into a service and support mode. You want to support your products and services. "Be Your Own Boss" goes into detail about how you can actually actually take advantage of almost any problem using superior support and communication. Often problems are the perfect opportunity to sell a complementary product or service.
_There is a lot more information in "Be Your Own Boss." Order it risk free now and see for yourself.

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"Be Your Own Boss"

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