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Windows operating system and Internet Explorer cleaner.
From History & cookie files, forms, passwords
to your Internet Cache & Temp Files.

[ Windows System Cleaner - soft- ]

Secure Your PC From Prying Eyes

System Cleaner is specifically designed to protect you! Unknown to many, the Windows operating system and Internet Explorer maintain files and registry settings related to ALL of your online and offline activity. Our software is designed to clean your system of all these tracks so your computer activities can remain private. You'll also find the performance of your computer may increase once you've cleaned your system.



You'll Be Able To Clean...

History - Internet Explorer maintains a list of every website you visit while surfing the Internet. How many days are stored in the history cache depends on your personal settings. To clear your history cache, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the history cache when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear My Website History" checkbox.

Cookies - Websites you maintains a list of every website you visit while surfing the Internet. How many days are stored in the history cache depends on your personal settings. To clear all cookies, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear all cookies when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear My Website Cookies" checkbox.

Favorites - Most of you are already familiar with favorites. These are websites you've bookmarked so they can easily be found later. Take caution when clearing your favorites as once System Cleaner clears them they cannot be undeleted! To clear all favorites, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear all favorites when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear My Favorite Internet Places" checkbox.

Keyboard - Auto Type

Type URLs - Have you ever noticed when you start typing in the browsers address bar an attempt is made to "guess" what you're typing? For example, if you've typed in "" and your spouse uses the computer after you and begins to type in "", they will see " as a "suggestion" because it's been typed in before! To clear all Typed URLs, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear all Typed URLs when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Auto-Typed URLs" checkbox.

Auto-Complete Forms - Auto-Complete Forms is basically the same as typed urls except guesses are made in text / edit fields of web pages. Practical uses are to remember common information you type in often like email address, name, address, etc.. To clear all Auto-Complete Forms, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear all Typed URLs when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Auto-Complete Forms" checkbox.

Auto-Complete Password - Auto-Complete Passwords is extremely convenient if you are the only one using your computer. But what if you are leaving town and having someone house sit. You may not be too comfortable know that anyone can log you accounts without even knowing your password. To clear all Auto-Complete Passwords, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear all Auto-Complete Passwords when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Auto-Complete Passwords" checkbox.

Run / Find History

Run Program History - The "Run" function from the Windows Start menu maintains a list of all programs you have run from this dialog. To clear all your Run History, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Run History when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Run History" checkbox.

Find Computer History - The "Find Computer" function from the Windows Start menu maintains a list of all computers you have search for across the network. To clear all your Find Computer history, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Find Computer history when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Find Computer History" checkbox.

Find Files History - The "Find Files" function from the Windows Start menu maintains a list of all files you have search for on your computer. To clear all your Find Files history, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Find Files history when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Find Files History" checkbox.

Files - Temporary and Cache

Internet Cache - Most every file your computer downloads while surfing the Internet is stored on your hard drive in a temporary "cache". This enables the browser to display the page much more quickly the next time you visit a website you've already been to. Pictures and images are the most common type files stored in the cache. To clear the Internet Cache, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Internet Cache when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Internet Cache" checkbox.

Temporary Files - Temporary files are used by most all programs and Windows, but over time, a large number of temporary files can accumulate in your temporary directory causing system performance to degrade. To clear the Temporary Files folder, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Temporary Files folder when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Temporary Files" checkbox.

Recycle Bin - Most everyone is familiar with the Recycle Bin. This is where files you delete are stored until you take the trash out, so to speak. To clear the Recycle Bin, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Recycle Bin when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Recycle Bin" checkbox.

Network and Connection History

Network History - Windows maintains a history of every place on your local network you've visited. To clear the Network History, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Network History when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Network History" checkbox.

RAS Auto-Dial - If you connect to the Internet using Remote Access Scripting, Windows maintains a history of dial up connection you've used. To clear the RAS Auto-Dial history, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the RAS Auto-Dial history when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear RAS Auto-Dial History" checkbox.

Telnet History - Telnet clients are used to connect to remote hosts and a history of every host connected to is maintained. To clear the Telnet History, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Telnet History when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Telnet History" checkbox.

Recent Document and User History

Document History - You've probably noticed that Windows maintains a list of all recently opened documents from the "My Documents" folder on the Start menu. To clear your recent Document History, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the Document History when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear Document History" checkbox.

Last User History - Windows maintains a history of the last user to logon to the system which becomes the default the next time the computer is started. To clear your recent User History, click the "Clear Now" button. To clear the User History when the "Clear All" button is clicked, be sure to check the "Clear User History" checkbox.


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P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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