Create Pop-Ups

Create popups in less than 2  1/2 minutes

PopUp Generator

Simple To Use Software Makes Creating Popups So Easy, A Child Can Do It!


If You Ever Wanted To Use The Power of PopUps, This Software Is For You!

If you are like me, you are always looking for ways to make your work easier and more efficient. We have all heard about the power of PopUp advertising, yet many people are not utilizing pop ups.

I believe the major reason is, JavaScripts can be be downright complicated and for the people who are new to creating websites, these scripts can be very intimidating. So what does the average person do? They simply don't use popups.

Here are just a few problems many people like you face using popups:

  • A lot of popups are coded wrong! Yes, you wouldn't know it, but the popups themselves are coded wrong and don't work the way the originator explained.
  • Most people don't know where to place the code. Poor instructions can make your utilization of popups a total nightmare.
  • Not knowing how to edit the code can be very frustrating. You have finally found the script you want after searching for days and now you don't know how to edit all this code that looks like a foreign language to you. End result, you don't use it. These problems alone are enough to make anyone not want to use Popups.

I am here to tell you,
Popups don't have to be complicated.
Introducing... PopUp Generator

PopUp Generator will allow you to create your own popups within minutes. It is a simple software program, which literally does all the work for you. Just make your selection, click a few buttons, and it will create purpose-built code for your exact popup requirements, even if you don't know a bit coding.

With PopUp Generator, you can literally create a popup window how you want it, in less than 2 1/2 minutes.

Here is what PopUp Generator will allow you to do:

  • Choose whether you want a Front Popup or an InBack Popup.
  • Customize the size of your popup Windows
  • Specify where your popup appears on your users screen
  • Choose what functions you want in your popup:

    • Location Bar
    • Directories
    • Menu Bar
    • Tool Bar
    • Status Bar
    • Resizable
    • Scroll Bar
    • Dependant
  • Decide if you want the popup to be Full Screen
  • Select How you Want the Window to popup

    • When Page Loads
    • Standard Link
    • Form Button
    • When page Unloads

HOT! Cookie Based Popups Too!

PopUp Generator also, lets you utilize cookie based popups.

Have you ever navigated around a site and every time you came back to the main page the popup came up again. How annoying is that?

You don't have to put your customers and prospects through a popup nightmare. With Popup Generator, you can select the number of times a popup will show.

For example, you can set it to "0" and it will popup every time a person comes to the page. Set it to "1" and they will only see your popup once per day. Set it to "999" and they will never see your popup again.

You can totally control your customer's experience on your site!

Three simple steps to make your popups work.

  1. Enter In Your Popup Configuration. (The information described above)
  2. Click "Generator Code"
  3. Click "Test Code". This actually pops up the window you just created.
  4. Click "Grab Code". Copy the code and place it in your web page.

Here is a screen shot of the actual software:
PopUp Generator Screen Shot

Also included are the Codes to Close Your Windows!

Getting the window to open is half the battle. You must also give your customers and prospects a way to Close the window you have opened on their behalf.

PopUp Generator also gives you the codes needed to close your Popups!

  • Close Window with a Button
  • Close Window with a Link
  • Close Window Automatically with a Timer
  • Close Window By Clicking an Image
  • Close Window By Clicking Anywhere On The page!

As you can see PopUp Generator will give you everything you need to create popups without all the headaches associated with it.


SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!
Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 30 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.



ONLY $ 19.99

Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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