Have You Ever Lost Hours Of Hard Work
Just Because Your Computer Crashed?

KeyKey 2000

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KeyKey 2000

Keystroke Recorder & Backup Utility

This program has saved my a** several times... I am a /web designer computer programmer and before I had KeyKey I was very paranoid... and no matter how often I saved my work, i would always loose something if my computer crashed. Ever since I have owned KeyKey... I haven't lost a single line of code!
                  - Jared Deschner 

Don't risk loosing hours of hard work... use KeyKey to keep a real-time backup of everything you icon you click, window you open, and letter type!


A Revolutionary New Backup Utility No PC User Should Ever Be Without!

  • Never loose important data to a computer crash again!

    With KeyKey, when your computer crashes... you experience no frustration, anger or stress...

    Data recovery is as easy as a click of a mouse! Just open the KeyKey program, and cut and paste it from your log!
  • Do you suspect your spouse is cyber cheating?

    KeyKey allows you to keep an eye all conversation between your spouse and anyone else on the net.

    KeyKey will also show you the titles of all websites, chat rooms, and message boards your spouse visits... conveniently organized by time and date!
  • Monitor Your Children's Online Activity!

    You should make every effort possible to protect your children from online threats... including porn, racism, and sites that promote illegal activities.

    Lets face it... censor programs aren't enough, and they often limit your children's access to appropriate content.  

    KeyKey will allow you to monitor your children's online activities... so you can personally teach them right from wrong.

    A child will want to find a way to get around censor programs. They are much more likely to listen to you when you talk to them about hazardous sites!
  • Find Out What Your Employee's Are Really Doing Online!

    Maybe you have an employee or employees and you want to make sure they are not wasting company time. You don't want to pay your workers for the time they are fooling around with non-company related things on the computer.

    Many employees love to write their friends emails, or play computer
    games on company time. Now you can monitor this and warn them about wasting company time if needed. And you'll have the proof of their
    time-wasting activities on disc. So you can show them if they deny wasting company time.

Now, you know why you want to record keyboard activity.  But why choose KeyKey?

  • KeyKey is one of the only products on the market that can record
    such complete details of keyboard activity.
  • KeyKey is able to record key-strokes from Windows applications as
    well as from Windows DOS box.
  • KeyKey can record start-up/shut down time of your computer. 
    KeyKey can record windows captions of programs used.
  • Password protection to access KeyKey for more security.
  • Auto flush feature at time interval you specified.
  • Record time stamp at time interval you specified. 

KeyKey Is Number 1 In It's Class!

No other software package on the net provides so many features at such a remarkable price

KeyKey is a industrial strength software package, at a consumer price.  It is number 1 in it's class for its amazing array of features, and many different uses!

KeyKey Is Number 1 In It's Class!

No other software package on the net provides so many features at such a remarkable price

KeyKey is a industrial strength software package, at a consumer price.  It is number 1 in it's class for its amazing array of features, and many different uses!


SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!
Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 30 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.



ONLY $ 5.99

Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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