HTML Code Guard

HTML Code Guard

Who would You Trust To Watch Over Your Email Address, Affiliate Links And Thank-You Pages?
What you are about to read could change the way you do business online. I want to talk to you about one of the biggest problems on the Internet today.

Until now, I only received one email from somebody who almost doubled his income from affiliate programs in 5 minutes flat using my program

You will be absolutely stunned after studying the paragraphs below...

FACT! According to Tom Hua, Internet Marketing Authority, up to 30% of your affiliate programs are being quietly stolen even now. I believe everybody (and his/her aunt) has heard about ClickBank.

Think about it. If you promote a ClickBank Affiliate Program what prevents Joe Sixpack from replacing your affiliate id with his own and pocketing the commission?

It's like taking the money out of your wallet.

These Internet Pickpockets do not necessarily have felonious intentions. They are replacing the link just because this way they save up to 50%.

While you might wonder how many affiliate commissions you lost this way let me ask you one question...

Have you ever seen an affiliate link like this:

and instead of clicking the link you just went to

I think you can now clearly see my point.

Now let me ask you another question...

How many times have you tried to bypass Paypal payment and looked in the HTML code for the return link? (yes, it's possible even if right-click is disabled)

How many times have you clicked View->Source to 'borrow' a good-looking form ?

How many times have you viewed a site's source to see the posting location and get the free report/ebook they were offering for subscribing to their newsletter
.... without subscribing!

Yes, I bet you are very likely to have committed at least once one of these crimes. And imagine how many have done this unto you ...

I have another question for you which at first might seem unrelated to the previous ones but this one sure is important ...

How many times have you received SPAM ?

Wouldn't it be amazing if finally, you’ll be able to stop spammers dead in their tracks and keep your site and affiliate profits safe just as easily as you answer the phone or open the refrigerator door...

This is what my brand new program is all about. It's called HTML Code Guard v2.1 and it's the nightmare of all internet criminals.

What it does is keep your website and your profits safe from Internet pickpockets!

HTML Code Guard has a user friendly interface and it's extremely fast. Our program is so easy to use even your pet will like it!

The Custom Link Generator adds professionalism to your links by displaying custom text in the status bar

The Email Address Generator stops spammers dead in their tracks, ruining their attempts to harvest your email address

The Affiliate Link Creator has strong, strong encryption with the added JavaScript protection

You see, some people already know how to crack the following protection which is offered by most of today's affiliate link encryptors :

Our affiliate profits protection combines 2 numeration bases: decimal and hexadecimal making it impossible to break by 99.80% of the people visiting your site. It looks like this:

111%3B%26%23119%3B %26%23101%3B%26%23114
%3B%26%23108%3B%26%23105%3B%26%23 102%3B%26%23


You Protect Your Links And Your Commissions

You Keep Your Visitors At Your Site - the visitor will never suspect you are promoting an affiliate link. All they will see is your website like in the picture below.

You Have Easy To Remember And Identify Links

You Are Able To Track How Many People Clicked On Your Link

You Can Submit Your Affiliate Links To Search Engines because our program automatically generates a search engine optimized page.

HTML Code Guard can:

Hide Paypal Return Links
Hide Real Posting Location
Keep Your Private Data Away From Evil Eyes
The CodeGuard offers an advanced encryption mechanism, different from that of the Affiliate Link Creator.

Encrypted pages will look like this:

1 oqz76 /wwFtu7B<tv ot6:j :u6 zo ltqx76 l7ww -
zo m7qz8z7p o0:o o07 pnoz <w7pAIhHIIggfB0ovRDc

Make Your Site View->Source proof

Stop Search Engines From Indexing Your Page (if you so decide

If you already realise how valuable this program is for your business then you might be wondering about the costs.

It's only $9.99. Yes that's right.

To be honest this is a test price. I'm trying to see how many people buy my program at this price and I will soon raise it for new tests.

Order now to make sure you receive this at our astonishing low introductory price.

I know that my program is not 100% bullet proof. An experienced programmer or hacker could easily crack this. But they are very rare (about 1 in 500) and usually have no interest in your business.

0.20% of your visitors will be able to crack the encryption. This is heaven when compared to the 3 out of 7 (42.85%) in our opening example.

If you are not willing to spend $9.99 to secure your future profits which could be worth thousands of dollars then please do not buy this program.

Did I mention that you get royalty-free resale rights with this program

Yes, I will give you a copy of my program and a ready-made money-making site just waiting to take orders. Make only one sale and you will break-even. Everything else will be pure profit!


SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!
Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 30 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.



ONLY $ 9.99

Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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