Order now, before midnight tonight, and as a special bonus, you're guaranteed to receive free Resell Rights! This won't last!

"Discover The Embarrassingly Simple Mistake That Landed My Affiliate Link Page At The Top Of The World's #1 Search Engine ... Absolutely Free!"

See *exactly* how it happened in this rare public confession ...


Common Problem, Hidden Reward

Several months back I noticed that my affiliate commission checks were starting to dip. After poking around, I realized that some of my links were being hijacked. People were chopping off the affiliate code in my links and sometimes even replacing it with their own!

And it wasn't just happening to me. Several of my friends and well known Internet marketers had also discovered that upwards of 30% of their affiliate commissions were being stolen too!

Based on my programming background, I figured out a way to protect my affiliate links and my commissions started going back up. Then I packaged the solution as an easy to use software application called Instant Affiliate Masker.

A Search Engine Miracle?

Remember those sample affiliate link pages that I created to demonstrate Instant Affiliate Masker? Something amazing happened:

My link pages jumped to the #1 spot at Google, Yahoo and AOL in less than three weeks! I'm still in shock.

Naturally skeptical, I checked it again: #1!

Then I checked another affiliate link: #2 and #3 -- in all three search engines!

That's what this powerful little ebook is all about.

Highly Targeted Traffic -- Free!

Inside the "Embarrassingly Simple Way", you'll discover exactly what I did, step-by-step, nothing is left out.

Just peek over my shoulder and start grabbing your own top positions ... without spending a dime on pay-per-clicks or search engine optimization. It's simple and takes just 10 minutes to complete.

How Much?

It's worth at least the $299 it costs to get listed in Yahoo! But order now, and this "Embarrassingly Simple Way" is yours for only $5.99.

Think about it: Every day people search the popular affiliate programs. And when they do, your money making affiliate link is right there at the top of the list (sometimes, ahead of the owner's own page!). Just 2 to 3 extra commissions a month, and my new ebook is the best investment you've made all year.

A Completely Honest Disclaimer:

There's no trick here. This is a legitimate technique that ethically leverages current search engine rules. But, I have no idea how long this will work. As with any new technique, there's usually a life span of anywhere between 3 to 9 months. But with all the great bonuses I'm giving you, you should make 10 times the price back in no time at all.

Order Now and Get These Bonuses

  • Free Resell Rights! Just one sale and this report pays for itself. And you keep 100% of every sale you make forever! Included is this entire web site and images.

    My only restrictions are:
    1. You DO NOT change anything in the report
    2. You DO NOT sell customized versions of the report
    3. You DO NOT use SPAM, UCE or any other illegal or unethical means of promotion.

    Other than that, you may feel free to do anything you'd like with this report! (within reason of course) I reserve the right to pull this bonus at any time. If you wait, you'll be dissappointed. Order and claim your resell rights now.

  • Free Mini Site Brander! Just type in your Clickbank information along with your name, and the web site and thank you page are automatically generated. No HTML editing, just type and save to your hard drive, and upload to your server. You're ready to sell!

  • Free Lifetime Updates! You'll receive a free subscription to an insider newsletter so I can alert you to new ideas for improving your affilliate commissions.

The time to order is now. Just click the button below. We use ClickBank for secure online ordering and you'll have instant access to download your report.


SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!
Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 30 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.



ONLY $ 5.99

Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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