"If You Dont Know All About Licensing Reprint Rights, You Could Be Passing Up An Enormous Part Of Your Annual Income"

Get ready for what experts are calling "the best cash generator in years!"

Dear Friend, 

Have you ever tried to create your own product? I mean any kind of product - an information product, some new kind of widget, whatever. It wasnt easy, was it? But youre probably always looking for more things to sell to your customers. The more quality products you have to sell, the more money you can make. So where do you get great products? 

Im going to tell you how you can get a stack of great, profit-producing products instantly (yes, I mean instantly). Heres the story... 

About three years ago I went to a talk given by a well-known marketer. He was talking about "licensing", which is also known as "buying reprint rights" or "buying resale rights". By the end of his talk, I understood a little bit about licensing, but I had no idea why I should be using it. I wound up doing nothing at all about licensing. What a mistake! 

Then about a year ago, I finally realized what Id been missing. It became so obvious! You know that old saying "When the student is ready, the master will appear?" Well, the master of licensing finally appeared to me. 


Very briefly, heres the idea behind licensing. You pay the owner of an information product (or any other product for that matter) a modest amount of money. In return, the owner of the information product allows you to make as many copies of the product as youd like. You can then sell them at full retail price and keep all the money! 

For example, one license I bought was for Brent Robert's superb
e-book called Black Belt Web Marketing"
Now that Ive paid Brent for the license, I can make as many copies of his e-book as Id like.  I sell them at the full retail price of $35 each or more if I want. I keep every penny of that $39. Brent doesnt get another dime.....

Well then whats the benefit to Brent? He got the licensing fee up front. His reputation also continues to grow because as I sell more and more of his courses, more and more people get to know how good he is at what he does.


For a very reasonable amount of money, I was able to get a superb information product, all ready to go. I got masters of the e-book. I got a powerful sales website, marketing ideas - the works! The day I got the package from Brent, I was ready to go. I didnt have to do a thing. 

It probably would have taken me years to put together that package - and Im sure it wouldnt have been 1/10th as good. Plus, I can make a bundle selling the course! Licensing can be a great deal for both people. 


Now thats just a very quick explanation. If you dont get the idea behind licensing - or you dont see how it can benefit you - youre not alone. Many, no probably most people dont understand it...and they dont take the small amount of time needed to learn about it. Without even knowing it, thousands and thousands of dollars pass them by every year.

Once I understood how important licensing could be to my business, I started sucking up licenses as quickly as I could.

I was able to prove to myself how valuable those licenses are. Just one license was able to return more money to me than I had paid for all the other licenses combined. Thats right... My license's has returned thousands of dollars in pure profits so far (I paid a tiny fraction of that for the license). And its not over yet. Not by a long shot! 


I was foolish. I turned my back on the whole idea of licensing for years, simply because I didnt understand it. I dont want you to make the same mistake. 

I was talking to Dr. Hartunian the other day and he was all WOW about his experiences with licensing products.  He's made a fortune using this powerful strategy.  What finally came out of this long discussion was "Building Wealth with Licensing" in which Dr. Hartunian decided to spill the beans on how he's made a fortune in this lucrative business. So why learn from the school of hard knocks when you can get his road map to "Building Wealth with Licensing ". 

He'll let you in on practically everything thats taken me years to learn, such as: 

  • Exactly what licensing is and how it can become the most profitable part of your business 

  • The step-by-step process of licensing (its a whole lot easier than it sounds) 

  • The best places to look for products to license 

  • Precisely how he's used licensing to build his business into one of the largest publishing-on-demand businesses in the country (you can use this as an exact model for your business) 

  • How to get FREE marketing materials with your license 

  • How to decide which licenses are winners and which are dead losers 

  • What had better be in the license agreement...and what you definitely dont want in the agreement 

  • How to get FREE, high quality mailing lists to use to sell your products 

  • How to create an entire "back-end" for your business, using nothing but licensed products 

  • How to get your name known around the world with one simple licensing technique (this is probably the most exciting technique he's ever used) 

  • How to know if theres a market for a product before you license it 

  • How to have a brand new product produced for you at very little cost 

  • The dangerous licensing traps you can fall into (dont worry, hell show you how to avoid every one of them) 

Youve got to understand the power behind licensing. It can make an enormous difference in your bottom line. I dont care what business youre in, youve got to find out about licensing. I cant imagine a business that couldnt make money using licensing. 

You may even own a product you want to license to others. Youve decided that you dont want to sell your product one at a time. Youd rather make a fast bundle, up front, by selling licenses and then letting other people sell your product one at a time. (Be sure to let me know about your product. Im always looking to buy good licenses. I've acquired a large arsenal of great reprint right packages, because they have the potential to return thousands of dollars in profits.

Anyway, heres the deal:

On this powerful audio program,

Building Wealth With Licensing  

Youll learn everything you need to know to get going very quickly. Youll learn all the ins and outs. Just one tip can save you hundreds of times the cost of the audio series.


But I dont want you to just have the information. I want you to have everything you need to get up and running. So, along with the audio series, Im going to give you...

"A Lifetime License To This very Audio Series And Web Site"

You will get the Resale and Distribution Rights to the entire "Building Wealth With Licensing" audio series.

This comprehensive audio series is packed with money making secrets from the MASTER of Free Publicity, Paul Hartunian, who sold the Brooklyn Bridge legally for Millions!

The Series can be used as a premium, bonus, lead generator, extra gifts for people who buy from you...whatever! It is yours to use the way youd like!!!

Will you get rich with this product? Will you be able to retire by next Thursday? No. But it will give you an excellent start in licensing. It will be your first license product - the first of many, Im sure. 

The price for this whole package - the Audio Series that will teach you all you need to know about licensing PLUS lifetime reprint licenses for the "Building Wealth With Licensing" audio series and web site is just $39.00

But If You Order TODAY.....

I'll add an electronic copy of the e-book Black Belt Web Marketing" Can you believe I'm giving away over 370 pages of my best marketing secrets, tips and techniques for free, when you order today!!!

You pay just $39. Thats it.

How good can a $39 license package be? Good question .... A lot of times low price means low quality. But sometime, you get incredible value for a little money. I always over-deliver on my promises. This is no exception. 


Even a $39 product should have a great guarantee. So here it is. If you dont make back at least 10 times the cost of this package in one year, I want you to ask for a full refund PLUS you can keep the lifetime Resale Rights. 

Let me spell that out for you again. With the information in this package, youve got to make $390 more than you would have made without the package or you get every penny back, PLUS you get to keep the Resale Rights. Now you know how much confidence I have in this licensing package.


Im giving you a "10 Times Your Investment" Guarantee. But your return could be far, far greater than that. Once you find out how to use licensing, youll be looking for more and more licenses, each one having the potential to bring back a huge return on your investment. 

Click Here to order right now. You will get your licensing package immediately. Licensing has opened up a whole new world for me. I want it to do the same for you and your business. Dont miss out on the one marketing strategy that could make this your biggest year ever! 

SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!

Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 90 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.


ONLY $ 39.00


Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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