This Ebook Package Contains The Best Ebooks, 
Tutorials, And Profit Generating Reports
By Super Marketer Jimmy D. Brown.

100% Royalty-Free Resell Rights License Included!
- All orders placed today receive a Resell Rights License. You can sell 
this whole package and keep every penny in your own pocket! 
(Sales Page and Graphics included: A $150.00 value! - now FREE!)


You are about to discover how Jimmy Brown -one of  the most
successful Internet Marketers- manages to create a  monthly 
income of over $10,000 a month...  and how you can do it too!

Re: From the computer of Dirk Dupon.
Thursday, 8.45 pm.

Dear Friend,

If you've been into Internet Marketing for a while, you may have heard about 
Jimmy Brown. 

Jimmy is the owner of the successful Marketing Resource "Profits Vault", and 
the well respected author of some of the best Marketing Ebooks and Manuals 
that are currently available on line.

In only a few years time, Jimmy has managed to create the life of his dreams.

He makes over $10.000 every month (yes, that's FOUR zero's :-) and he does 
this mainly by selling Info Products.

"Jimmy Brown's Marketing Secrets Revealed" contains some of his best 
work until now. 

You can use this Mega Information Package to:

  • Create your own Ebooks, Reports and eCourses

  • Set up and grow a successful Ezine

  • Make huge profit from selling other people's products

  • Create Profit Pulling Web Sites and Sales Letters, that will make your 
    visitors instantly grab their wallets and beg you to accept their money...

  • Etc...

Here are the Ebooks and Manuals included in this Amazing Package:

IYou will not only receive the 6 Ebooks with Resell Rights with your order, 
but this complete Turn Key Business Package also comes with...

  • Your own Sales Page and Custom Graphics, just like this one! 

  • Everything has been taken care of for you. The sales copy is written,
    so you just need to customize your ordering links, upload the Sales 
    and Thank-You Page to your web server and start sending  out ads 
    to your Ezine or Opt In lists. (You will also receive a Ready To Use 
    copy-and-paste recommendation article
    to send out.) Then just sit 
    back and watch  the sales roll in. NOTE: If you don't know how to 
    do this, I will do it  for you, at no additional cost!

  • There's only One Master Ebook to download

    Unlike most of the other Ebook packages out there, all the files can be 
    downloaded from ONE Single Master Ebook. Your customers simply 
    click the Master Ebook Download link from your Thank-You page, and 
    my own server takes care of the delivery.
    You will never be bothered 
    with complaining customers,  confronting you with download problems 
    or server downtimes.

  • A special bonus report containing an original interview with 
    Jimmy Brown himself

    In this interview, Jimmy answers 14 of your most requested
    marketing questions
    . You'll discover how Jimmy earns over $10,000 
    every month
    , by selling Info Products, without paying ONE single 
    for advertising!

  • A FREE COPY of Jimmy Brown's "Ebook Ideas Exposed"

    "Ebook Ideas Exposed"
    contains 33 quick tips for Ebook publishers,
    including details on how you can earn high commissions by just giving
    this Ebook away

  • No need to upload these Ebooks to your server

    Yes, that's right. All the Ebook files permanently reside on my own 
    , ready for you and your customers to download at will. There 
    is no need to upload this huge amount of data to your server. This will 
    save you lots of time and worries, not to mention the money you will 
    save in bandwidth costs
    You can download the books right away, 
    or do it at your own leisure.

  • You get complete instructions on how to set up the Ebook 
    Sales Page

    I will explain every step there is to take, from uploading the Ebook 
    and Sales Page, to creating your ordering links. You see, selling 
    Ebooks on line has never been easier!

Now, let's take a closer look at what's inside the Ebooks you'll receive...

"Profit Pulling Reports"

In "Profit Pulling Reports" you will discover...

  • An easy-to-follow, 15-step system for writing your own free 
    report from start to finish!
    You'll learn very specific, very precise
    information like how to write the very first sentence of your free 
    report all the way to finalizing the very last paragraph
    , including 8 
    ready-made opening sentences that will immediately get readers 
    interested in your content.
  • How ANYONE can write their own outrageously profitable free 
    regardless of their education or experience. You don't need 
    any special writing skills and you don't need any expertise. Heck, I'll 
    even shown you one way to get your free reports written by someone 
    else without spending a penny
  • The winning formula that NEVER FAILS. In fact, I can guarantee 
    you will earn incredible profits if you follow this simple formula
    creating free reports. HINT:  It's a classic A + B = C formula that 
    generated those 20,000 downloads and $100,000 in profits from 
    the report I mentioned earlier.  
  • A fool-proof system for getting people to (a) request and access 
    your free report, (b) read and learn from your report, and (c) purchase 
    the awaiting offers in your report!  Everything is explained in easy to
    understand language
    that both beginners and veterans can follow.
  • 3 simple ways to come up with the sizzling topic that everyone 
    WANTS to read about
    . Discover how to find out exactly what folks 
    are interested in and have them begging to read what your report has 
    to offer
  • 4 super "idea generators" that will get you writing the perfect 
    free report
    complete with REAL examples of reports generated from 
    each idea. HINT: You'll find that 2 of these "idea generators" can be
    completed in as little as 5-10 minutes of work on your part
  • Why you don't need to write an Encyclopedia set to earn income with 
    your free reports, and how a 2-3 page "dynamite-style" report 
    outprofits them all
    . You'll also learn the 2 things that your free 
    reports MUST do in order to pull in profits

Like I said, you'll discover both how to WRITE you own *exclusive* free 
reports and (more importantly to you) how to PROFIT from your own free 
reports. You'll learn it all. Things like...

  • How to use your free report to get people interested and follow 
    you wherever you lead
    -do this right and you'll be like the Pied 
    Piper of Hamelin with a long list of followers hanging on your heels.
  • How to use website links you have collected over your time 
    online to become your next free report
    . You'll be surprised at 
    how many people would LOVE to know where the things you've 
    located can be found
  • A quick, 4-step system for getting someone else to write your 
    report for you
    without spending a penny. Learn how to provide 
    some of the absolute best content available without doing a bit of 
    research or writing
  • How to use my own special "fill-in-the-blanks" style of writing 
    that makes creating a masterpiece report as simple as writing a
    "things-to-do" list
  • How to develop an attention-grabbing title for your free report 
    that automatically makes people take a closer look, including a mini-
    clinic filled with "loser" titles and how they can be turned into "killer" 
    titles. You'll also discover 3 checklist questions that every title should 
    be run through before you use it for your report.
  • How to use the psychological pulling power of curiosity to make 
    sure readers eagerly soak up every word you write
    . You'll learn 
    how to pull readers deeper and deeper into your report and keep them
    interested until the very end
  • Dozens of simple tactics like how to build relationships with your 
    reports, an easy way to fill up space when you don't know what to 
    write next, 2 easy ways to distribute your reports and the most
    important part of writing your free report
    ... without question, you 
    gotta get this right.

Are you beginning to see how much you'll learn from "Profit Pulling Reports"

If not, then it's time to get those eyes checked! (Just kidding :o)  There's 
still more. You'll also find...

  • How to stay in the mind of your reader for hours and even 
    days after they've finished reading your report
    - and how to 
    lead them directly to a point of purchase
    for whatever product or 
    service offer you choose.
  • How to reap enormous profits from your free reports including 
    how to weave in product offers and affiliate links without blatantly 
    saying, "Buy this!" This is the heartbeat of profiting from your own 
  • How to go one step further than that -there IS a way you can 
    BLATANTLY promote any product or service you want
    within your 
    free report without offending a soul and without compromising your 
    content. You'll discover this tactic that is used effectively everyday 
    by the "gurus."
  • How to introduce common problems and use your content 
    AND OFFERS to resolve those problems
    . Discover a 2-step 
    system for mastering this
    for maximum profits.
  • The MOST IMPORTANT tactic that is almost always overlooked 
    when it comes to free reports. You'll do this right from the start and 
    it could increase your report downloads by up to 3200%.
  • How to get your free reports into the hands of thousands of 
    potential customers
    , including how to use both existing contacts 
    and non-existing contacts. NOTE:  I'll even be sharing with you my 
    own personal list of "Top 10" best ways to promote any free report.

"Ezine Ad Profits"

The "Ezine Ad Profits" Ebook comes with Royalty-Free Resell Rights. 

You can sell it and keep every penny of every sale. You receive the manual, 
a web site template to upload to your website and a license to sell as many 
copies of this package as you possibly can. 

Anyone who does business on the Internet, whether it be as a product 
owner or as an affiliate, wants to know the answer to "where should I 

That's a fact. You don't want to waste money, and you do want to find 
advertising sources that *really* do produce results. After all, you're 
trying to make a profit.

You would like to know WHERE to advertise to see *real results* right?

Here's what you'll find inside:

  • Where to find "buy one, get one free" ads in *high quality* ezines.
  • How to find monthly specials on ezine advertising - save as much as 
    75% off the regular price!
  • Which ezine advertising offer is THE #1 best order-producing option...
    hands down!
  • Where to buy a SOLO MAILING for only $5.00.
  • The ezine that I profited over $600 in less than 48 hours from 
  • Which ezine offers ad space for only 1/10 of a penny per subscriber!
  • My own personal list of the "35 best" ezines to advertise in.
  • The "best kept secret" in ezine advertising - 400% or more PROFIT 
    every time I use it!
  • How to send your ad to over 10,000 opt-in subscribers for only 
  • How to purchase an ad in 30 different ezines for only $5.00. 
  • Where to purchase an ezine ad that will *permanently* be 
    listed at the website.
  • Where to purchase a $15.00 ezine advertising package that includes: 
    1 regular ad in an ezine, 3 issues in a classifieds newsletter, 1 solo 
    mailing and an ad in ALL autoresponder messages sent out!
  • Which ezine "puts their money where their mouth is" and offers 
    GUARANTEED results or 100% of your money back!
  • The solo mailing offer that promises "if you are unsatisfied with 
    the performance of your ad, I will promptly refund your money"!
  • Not satisfied with ONE ad, how about 6 full months of advertising 
    for only $10!
  • Where to go to get 3 FREE ads published to 36,600 subscribers with 
    your solo ad purchase.
  • How to place your ad in a whopping 95 different ezines for 
    under $40.

"Ezine Ad Profits" is an Ebook that every Internet Marketer should own
and refer back to, for every marketing campaign.

"Profit Pulling Ebooks"

"Profit Pulling eBooks" is a step-by-step manual for creating eBooks 
that *really do* produce results.  

Just a few of the things you'll learn are...

  • An 8-step, paint-by-numbers formula for developing eBooks that 
    get results
  • How to make sure your eBook gets noticed among the traffic 
    jam of free eBooks available on the internet.
  • 4 quick and easy ways to make sure your eBook provides quality 
  • A couple of checklist questions to determine if you are including 
    valuable information in your eBook
  • 6 simple suggestions for trimming off the fat and providing the 
    meat people are wanting to feast on.
  • 9 easy ways to use your eBooks as your own 24 hour a day, 
    nonstop salesman
  • How to actually see sales produced and profits earned from 
    free eBooks.
  • How to get your eBook downloaded thousands of times in a 
    short period of time.
  • 4 easy ways to include bonuses in your ebook and how to use 
    them to produce more sales
  • How to instill a sense of urgency in the mind of the reader 
    that prompts them to order NOW.
  • One of the most least used techniques in eBook marketing 
    that is also one of the most important.
  • Why presentation is just as important as information when 
    it comes to eBooks.
But, that's just the beginning of this 81 page manual that only includes 
what you need to know. "Profit Pulling eBooks" actually consists of 
TWO key sections... 
  • Tutorial 1:  How to CREATE a profit pulling eBook. This 
    section focuses on WHAT to include in your eBook that virtually 
    guarantees your profits.
  • Tutorial 2: How to quickly and easily COMPILE an eBook
    This section shows you how to use the most powerful eBook 
    compiler online to create your own features-loaded eBooks.

"The E-zine Resource Guide"

In the "Ezine Resource Guide", you'll discover things like...

  • An all-in-one submission page for quick and easy access to the 
    top 37 ezine directories
    . With this handy submission page, you 
    can strategically submit your ezine, description and subscribe 
    details to the top FREE directories online
  • 19 hot spots for obtaining FREE ezine content for any newsletter
    You'll have a ready-made database of thousands of high-quality 
    articles you can publish
    inyour own newsletter. HINT: And if you 
    write articles yourself, you can add your own material to these 
    databases and allow other publishers to publish YOUR materials!
  • 16 content lists that regularly send you the latest articles from 
    well known publishers, allowing you to provide your readers with fresh
    up-to-the-minute articles
  • 10 secret sources for building your subscriber lists through 
    classified ad swaps. Instantly access hundreds of publishers ready 
    to trade ads with YOU
  • 6 simple ways to swap advertising space via email -increase 
    your subscribers as much as 300%
  • 9 great resources for selling out your ad space in each of your 
    issues. Not selling enough classified ads for your ezine? Don't worry, 
    these great resources will sell the ads for you!
  • A little-known service that allows you to launch your own affiliate 
    program for your email list
    to gain even more subscribers!
  • Numerous distribution resources (software, servers, and systems) 
    for automatic publishing of your newsletter, including 5 100% FREE 
  • 5 superior resources sites that *really* increase your subscriber 
    with TARGETED readers no matter what subject your ezine
    focuses on
  • 13 high-profile sites that will build your opt-in newsletter list 
    at NO COST TO YOU.  I have *literally* been able to see thousands 
    of extra subscribers come from these services!  (And you can too -I
  • 28 newsletter announcement lists that will post ads promoting 
    YOUR ezine for FREE
    . NOTE: Many of them will allow you to 
    resubmit your ezine on a regular basis.
  • Dozens of sites designed especially to boost your ezine subscribers 
    and give you more exposure -without spending a penny!
  • Much, much more -just too much to list here!

You get 100% Royalty-Free Reprint Rights! A reprint rights license is 
included with your copy -sell the "Ezine Resource Guide" for $14.97 and 
keep every penny!

PLUS... you can brand the "Ezine Resource Guide" with your own information!

You also get backend commissions! 

Insert YOUR affiliate link to numerous backend products that earn you 50% 
commission on any sales generated.

You also get Sponsorship advertising!  

Brand EACH PAGE of the "Ezine Resource Guide" with a classified ad of 
YOUR CHOICE. Promote your website, an affiliate program, your own ezine 
-whatever you want!

"Profit Pulling Offers"

In "Profit Pulling Offers" you'll discover that selling on the web is much more 
than just creating a sales letter.
That's only the  beginning! 

You'll find out things like...

  • 6 simple strategies for creating irrestible web offers -when, where 
    and how to use them to skyrocket your profits. Learn all 6 tactics, or 
    miss out on as much as 900% more profit!
  • 7 laws the determine EVERY purchase decision -discover what 
    motivates people to buy and how to push all the right buttons to 
    practically force them to make a purchase from you... NOW! HINT:
    YOU control the laws not the customer -so sales are really up to YOU
  • 10 simple ingredients for turning any website into a 24-hour 
    who brings in the profits around the clock. Put these into 
    practice and it is darn near impossible for you not to see a significant 
    increase in sales by the end of the week. No extra website traffic is 
    needed -you'll triple your earnings from your current visitors!
  • 11 essentials for every sales letter that pulls in maximum profits.
    You'll get a "behind-the-scenes" look at the making of a mega sales 
    letter, and will discover how to skyrocket your sales conversion rate,
    eliminate refunds, earn huge backend profits and increase your sales 
    like never before
  • How to raise the perceived value of your offer by as much as 
    a staggering 1500% without spending an extra penny
    . You'll 
    discover 10 simple tactics for giving your offer an instant boost
    how valuable it is in the mind of the prospect. HINT:  These are sooo 
    easy to implement. Most can be done in just a few minutes!
  • A 6-step system for setting up your own fool-proof, "they're 
    gonna buy something" system of offers
    . You'll learn the secrets 
    of the "gurus" for creating an entire spiderweb of internet offers that 
    leaves the prospect with no other choice than to buy something from 
  • How to psychologically trigger the emotions of your website 
    visitors to pull in the sale
    , including 2 easy techniques for getting 
    people so "worked up" over your offer that they whip out their credit 
    card to order without even thinking twice
  • 2 simple tactics for making your offer look like a "bargain" that 
    simply can't be passed up.
    NOTE: Why does a 30-page web marketing 
    manual OUTSELL a 400-page web marketing manual -even though they 
    are priced the same? 
    You'll discover the secret and how YOU can create an irresistible 
    "bargain" of your own.
    P.S. It has nothing to do with PRICE.
  • Why you will almost always fail if you attempt to sell a product 
    -and, more importantly, how to GUARANTEE your success by
    focusing in on one easy thing you can change about your offer. 
    Bottom line:  this one will either make or break your online sales, 
    so get it right
  • How to make your web site visitors think they NEED your product 
    -The truth is, we make a lot of purchases because we NEED them 
    (toothpaste, electric bill, oil change). Learn how to create a NEED of 
    your product with the seldom-used tactic
    that you'll learn inside 
    Profit Pulling Offers.
  • The one REAL secret behind success online that no one tells 
    HINT: It is NOT the product or service that you are promoting. 
    It is NOT your offer itself. It is NOT the price. Learn this one and there 
    is no way you can fail with your Internet eBusiness
  • The "Baskin-Robbins" approach to web marketing that many people 
    take -and it dooms them to failure before they even begin. You'll 
    discover the smart way to do business online
    and avoid the costly 
    mistakes that 95% of online businesses are making.
  • How a "Hershey's Chocolate Bar" could be one of the real keys 
    to your success on the Internet
    -if you learn how to use it wisely. 
    I'll show you exactly what I mean, and how to do it to separate 
    yourself from the competition
  • How to increase your free eBook or free report give-a-ways by 
    a mind-boggling 2800% by doing one thing different
    . Even if you 
    are giving away the exact same eBook or report as thousands of 
    others, do this and YOU will receive more downloads than all the rest.
  • The 2 reasons (and 2 reasons only) why every single person 
    makes a purchase on the Internet.
    All purchases fall into one of 
    these two categories. You'll discover them and, more importantly,
    keys to pushing the visitor's "I've got to buy this now" button for immediate 

"How to Outsell Other Resellers and 
Become a Super Affiliate"

"How to Outsell Other Resellers and Become a Super  Affiliate" is your 
ticket to earning more affiliate commissions regardless of  who you are or 
what you are promoting. 

In this Ebook you will learn everything I found out about how the Top Affiliates 
get it done. You'll discover...

  • How to earn more sales to YOUR link, even though you're selling 
    the EXACT same product at the EXACT same price as a gazillion 
    other resellers. 
  • The *exact* reasons why the top-selling affiliates in any program 
    are so successful
    and why the others are left in the dust. NOTE: More 
    importantly, you'll learn how YOU can do what the top-sellers are doing!
  • An "I can't believe it can be this easy", 5-step affiliate formula for 
    success that works EVERY time
    no matter what affiliate program you 
    are involved in.
  • The #1 biggest obstacle to affiliate marketing that is behind the 
    failure of 95% of all resellers
    -and how YOU can avoid it! HINT: If 
    you do this wrong, it's almost impossible for you to become a top-seller
  • 5 necessities for EVERY succesful affiliate marketer to complete. 
    These are the life of all affiliate marketing and cannot be altered or 
    omitted in any way. You'll do them right from day one!
  • 6 sure-fire ways to separate yourself from the competition even 
    if you don't have a huge mailing list, a high traffic website or a well 
    known name within the industry. 
  • What 98% of ALL AFFILIATES are doing wrong with their marketing 
    that is costing them thousands of extra commissions every year...
    and how YOU can learn this secret in less than 5 seconds.
  • How to get the MAXIMUM benefit from your promotion by doing 
    one simple thing differently
    . NOTE: It takes thirty seconds to make 
    this simple change to your website.
  • 3 easy ways to make yourself stand out among the crowd of affiliates 
    and pull in orders like you are raking leaves... including 12 quick 
    tip ideas for creating your own unique approach
    to affiliate marketing.
  • The 2 secrets that you can quickly and easily master to become 
    a top-selling affiliate
    and 3 reasons why you DON'T want to use the
    advertising materials your affiliate program provides for you. 

These are just a few of the things in you'll find in this "short, sweet and to 
the point" course. 

"Profits Every Month"

In "Profits Every Month", you'll discover the *hands down* #1 best method 
of quickly earning profits on the Internet
-and how you can cash in on 
the craze in less than 3 hours of work
... and build your own guaranteed 
monthly income!

Plus you'll find out all this...

  • The research behind this entire course. Like I said, this isn't some 
    theory. You'll learn 5 proven reasons why this plan works like 
    a charm for ANYONE who does it
  • Exactly where to purchase low-cost, high-demand products with reprint 
    rights to sell and keep 100% of every sale. You'll discover a mother 
    lode of fresh products each month
    and a secret source for obtaining
    product licenses that are very limited -less competition = more profits 
    for YOU!
  • Reprint rights products you can purchase for less than $15 and spiral 
    into your own information publishing empire
    . Earn profits for life -and,
    more importantly, earn BACKEND products. I'll show you products that 
    already have BUILT-IN links that earn you EVEN MORE money -without 
    doing anything extra!
  • *Exactly* how to setup your own direct response, order-producing 
    . You'll learn everything from creating killer ad copy to setting 
    up a "thank you" page to developing your "download page" to raking in 
    the profits like leaves in an New England Autumn! A simple, 4-step 
    system shows you how to do it all
  • A quick and easy "crash course" in FTP. You'll discover how to 
    upload all of your files to your website in a matter of minutes. With 
    the "screen capture" pictures, you'll actually SEE how to take the 
    files from your computer and place them on your own website
  • How to master the "Big Four" necessities of every website, including 
    where to go for credit card processing. Get this one right or your 
    eBusiness will fail.
  • 10 quick tips that you can begin using RIGHT NOW to add 
    more pulling power to your sales letters
    . Learn the secret 
    formula that I use for creating sales letters -just like the one you 
    are reading. You'll find 10 of my most often used tips in creating 
    irresistible ad copy.
  • How to develop classified ads that virtually force people to 
    Getting your new profit machine launched is just the 
    beginning. You'll also learn how to create a traffic jam of potential 
    -and how to reel them 'em like you were fishing on a 
    Saturday afternoon.
  • 2 ingenius methods of "milking" your advertising for everything 
    its worth
    . If you don't do these two things, I GUARANTEE that you'll 
    miss out on a lot of easy sales. 
  • 3 insider secrets for creating your own automated profit generators.
    Once you get these in place, you'll actually be able to generate traffic 
    and sales without lifting a finger.
  • 3 super order-producing techniques you can use to cross 
    promote your entire product line
    and *literally* skyrocket your 
    sales and profits. These are "no-brainers" and yet many people 
    forget to do these easy marketing tactics
  • 10 killer traffic building techniques from one of the premier 
    internet marketing "gurus", Terry Dean
    . Terry shares a few of 
    his favorite methods of generating more visitors to any website... 
    and that includes YOURS!
  • 8 incredible "advanced" tactics for bringing in even more 
    "Profits Every Month"
    , including portal pages, master reprint 
    rights, and *exclusive* product development.
  • 2 easy things you can do to create your own unique products 
    to sell online
    -in just a few minutes of work. I've done this many 
    times and OUTSOLD other people offering the EXACT same products.  
    Find out how -and more importantly, how YOU can duplicate my 
Are you beginning to see the value in this information? 

I'm telling you the truth, this is a SURE SHOT. Follow these instructions, 
and you WILL earn an income each and every month FROM NOW ON.

PLUS: Not only will you get access to this valuable 
information, but you'll also MAKE BIG PROFIT from it!

You'll be able turn this Ebook package into your own profit machine! Remember 
your purchase also includes the following...

  • 100% Royalty Free Resell Rights License!

    You can sell this
    "Jimmy Brown Ebook Special" for $49.97 and 
    keep every penny!
    There's no profit to share with anyone... you 
    make all the money here! 

    As you may know, t
    here are huge profits to be made from selling 
    information that you don't have to spend the time writing. You can 
    now profit instantly selling
    a product that was created for you.

  • Your own Sales Page with Custom Images (A $95.97 value!)

    This E-book comes with a Ready-Made Sales Page and Sales 
    - just like this one.You'll receive step-by-step instructions 
    to set up the whole sales process! The download link is located 
    inside the book.

by Andy Brocklehurst

A $20.00 Value! 

Andy's Ebook gives you the raw, uncensored facts about marketing on line. This Ebook holds nothing back. You might not be able to handle The Truth, but that's just what he gives you on each and every page. 
Comes with Full Resale Rights! 

"IMPACT LESSONS" by Neil Shearing

Neil's top-quality book reveals the "Power-Info" necessary to make a super success of any on line business! 

Inside "Impact Lessons" you'll find out how to turn any Web Site into a traffic generating and profit creating 100% automated cash machine.
(This book comes in .pdf format.)             
Comes with Full Resale Rights! 


Everything you will ever need to install pop-up windows on your web site to improve your sales and subscription rates! 

From the basics, right through to advanced features like cookies and pop-ups that "self-destruct" after a certain amount of time. 

A handy automatic
pop-up script generator is also included! 
(This book comes in .exe format.)                   Comes with Full Resale Rights! 

"EBOOK BONANZA" by Dan B. Cauthron

Making $500 a week is realistic with your own online Ebook business!

"Ebook Bonanza"
will show you exactly how to find and sell 100% Profit Products, get paying customers to your web site, and keep them coming back for more.

This Eye-Opening tutorial is yours for FREE if you order today! 

(This book comes in .exe format.)             Comes with Full Resale Rights! 

Now, you probably wonder how much all this costs?

  • "Profit Pulling Reports" with Resale Rights Value: $19.97 

  • "Ezine Ad Profits" with Resale Rights Value: $9.97

  • "Profit Pulling Ebooks" with Resale Rights Value: $14.95

  • "The Ezine Resource Guide" with Resale Rights Value: $14.97

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