Proven tips from real people, making real money online!

40 Successful Internet Marketers Explain Step-By-Step How They Make Money Online With A Simple One-Page-Website.

Need More Traffic? Sales? Subscribers? Get Help From The Pro's!

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Re: Tuesday, 10.45 am.

Dear Friend,

Right now, people all over the world are making money online via their websites and Ezines, and I have managed no less than 40 of them to reveal their personal success tips with you...

... so keep reading if you want to find out how they do it!

No matter what you sell (Ebooks, software, or affiliate programs), your business will only become profitable if you know the basics of Web Marketing!

You may have the coolest web site in the world, a site that impresses and entertains... but if you don't know how Web Marketing works, you will never make ONE SINGLE CENT from your site. 

The truth is, most people are totally confused and puzzled about Web Marketing... 

... and no wonder... 

There are thousands of "wannabe" guru's out there, telling you they have the "Secret To Making Money"... but all they want is YOUR MONE... 

However, don't panic :-) 

Marketing online is not as difficult as you may think. Really, it's not!

Anyone can do it, and there's no need to waste your money on expensive marketing sessions, training classes, or "guru" video's...

... it all comes down to some simple basic rules (like using an autoresponder, setting up a pop-up window to collect email addresses from your website visitors, using joint ventures to explode your sales), and once you understand how Web Marketing really works, your business just can't fail!

Now, here's help for you... 

"Web Marketing Explained" contains nothing but proven tips and methods  that are currently used by 40 experienced and successful Web Marketers who make a good living from their E-business.

These experts all have one thing in common... they use the same simple web marketing techniques to make their profits.

And now they are sharing what REALLY works and what DOESN'T when it comes to Internet Marketing. 

They are telling EXACTLY what they are doing to get the phenomenal results that you can also get with your own website or Ezine.

"Hi Dirk, I've just completed reading your fine work and I have to say; I am very, very impressed.

"Web Marketing Explained" is a fantastic eBook for every online entrepreneur. I'm including it in my membership site with a very strong recommendation that everyone read all 134 pages at least twice ;-)

It's so refreshing to read the actual truth from so many successes online. I think this should be required reading for anyone coming online that wants to start a business. 

It's a fantastic reality check. I've purchased a brandable copy and I will also set up a web site to sell it
by itself. 

- Terry Telford,
Editor/Publisher, The Business Professional

Don't worry, this is not a boring book about "marketing psychology" or "branding your business"... 

"Web Marketing Explained"
contains over 100 pages, packed with hard hitting facts and live examples of how some of the Web's most respected marketers create streams of income with their E-business.

Below are a few of the names that reveal their success tips:

  • Joe Vitale (Joe is the hottest copy writer in America. He can sell condoms to nuns and vegetarian cookbooks to Texas cattle ranchers :-)

  • Andrew Fox (Andrew's web business went in under 2 years from $0,00 to $350,000! Now you can discover what he did to get there)

  • Jason Potash (Creator of the "Ezine Announcer" software)

  • Jeff McCall (Owner of the "Success Library")

  • Alex Sampson (Founder of "Ultra Marketing Enterprises", and author of "Perfectly Profitable Products"

  • Mani Sivasubramanian (Well respected author of the "Ezine Launch" book, and expert in Ezine Marketing and Promotion)

  • Neil Shearing (Full time UK marketer, owner of the "ScamFree Zone", and writer of several bestselling products)

  • Ruth Townsend (Founder of "The Directory of Ezines", expert in Ezine Advertising)

  • Robert Smith (Famous UK Marketer and Publisher of  "The Internet Marketing Newsletter")

  • Merle (Owner of the "" service, and all round Internet Marketer)

  • Dirk Dupon (Ebook marketer and author of "Web Site and Ezine Promotion Made Easy!"

  • Pamela Heywood (Respected Ezine Publisher and owner of

  • Lisa Frenzel (Author of "Secrets Of Top Affiliate Marketers Exposed")

  • Paul Reilly (Paul is also know as the "Viral Marketing" expert)

  • Paul Barrs (Long time marketer and owner of the "Home Business Mastery")

    And this list goes on for a while...

It's true; you learn best and fastest by asking help from the Big Players. 

Well, here's good news... I have done it for you!

I have created a list of the most important questions that anyone who plans to set up (or already runs) a web business can think of, and I invited the 40 experts to answer them in all honesty. 

Here are a few of the questions...

  • "What do you consider the most difficult part about running an on line business?"

  • "Can you explain how you market your products (or affiliate programs) on the Internet?"

  • "Why do you think so many online businesses fail?"

  • "Are you using Ezine advertising? How effective is this form of advertising today?"

  • "What is your opinion about web promotion software and "traffic generating tools?" 

  • "What is your most effective marketing technique, and why?"

  • "What are some of your daily marketing tactics that build
    your on line presence?"

  • "If you had $100 to spend to improve/promote your business, how and where would you spend it?"

  • "What's the most effective tool/resource that you use to get new prospects to your Opt In list or Ezine?"

  • Plus there's much more covered... 

Let me tell you this... 

"Web Marketing Explained"
contains the most valuable insider information and real-life-situation tips ever revealed, and it's simply unthinkable that you will not increase your profits if you read this Ebook!

Or would you prefer to hire someone for a $1500 an hour fee, to tell you the same like what's inside this Ebook?

I guess you don't... so save your money and get instant access to this 100% unique information packed and no-barrels-hold manual today!

Below are some testimonials of people who read my book:

"Brief, punchy, practical, and money-making- that's 
what you'll get in this fast-paced, tried-and-tested 
new collection of insights from the best of the best. 
Read it. Use it. Profit from it!

- Joe Vitale, #1 Best-Selling Author

"This is a great ebook full of short, interesting interviews 
from real people who are "in the trenches" and are 
actually making money online... well done :-)" 
- Neil Shearing, Ph.D.

"Dirk, I just finished reading "Web Marketing Explained" 
... what an excellent resource for marketers to learn first 
hand from the most successful business people on the 
Internet. This "insider advice" will teach many "wannabe's" 
how to become and stay successful in business... and 
not have to go through the hassles and frustrations that 
many of us faced "back in the old days"! Nice job!"
- Ruth Townsend, "Directory of Ezines"

"As ever Dirk, you've pulled together a LOT of interesting 
and valuable information
from some great people. These 
are all very candid and natural interviews. Anyone who 
wants to know how we do stuff and, get to know who 
to trust  online, will find this a very USEFUL volume." 
- Pamela Heywood 

"Great cast of online marketers. I think this may be your 
best one yet... You are definately the interview king! For 
anyone who's clicked onto this site, don't even hesitate. 
Just buy it! This ebook is definately top notch..."
- Bryan Honesty

"Dirk, What a great resource - it's like having a basketful
of polished nuggets
just sitting on your desktop waiting 
to be used. I read it from front to back without stoping. 
There's nothing more satisfying than finding out exactly 
what someone else did to make money online - priceless."
- Paul Barrs

"Thank you very much, Dirk! Finally a huge collection of 
secrets from online gurus come out. If you want to 
discover how they make unbelievable success in such 
short time
, that is your choice. I love the amazing ideas 
from Joe Vitale and Mani Sivasubramanian. Great stuff!" '
- Jian Wang, author of "Hypnotic Persuasion"

"I really think people can learn a LOT with this eBook, 
reading between the lines you see the truth that makes 
all businesses successful. I won't spill the beans, I think 
people need to read it for themselves. Thanks for your 
great eBooks!" 
- Robert Smith

"I actually found "Web Marketing Explained" reassuring
Every now and again, I ask myself if there's something 
I'm doing wrong. After reading what fellow marketers, both 
seasoned and new
, do to promote their web sites, I feel 
much more confident in myself. Of course, as with any 
good book, I gained a few more tidbits of knowledge too!" 
- Edward Gause, "Internet Marketing for Beginners"

"I've been watching Dirk's marketing activities on the Net 
for a very long time and the only thing I can say is: he's 
absolutely gorgeous. Whatever he does is simply superb. 
And this book is just another proof. Definitely worth having."
- Irena Whitfield, "Pathway To Success".

"Another indispensable book. I am gradually becoming 
addicted to the no-nonsense, from the horse's mouth 
compendia of wisdom and experience
that emanate 
from Ebooks-Made-Easy. Instead of authoring bloated and 
irrelevant theoretical - and often useless - texts about 
marketing - Dirk goes to the source: the netrepreneurs. 
His tomes are witness accounts, first hand summaries 
of the paths of perspiration and inspiration
that lead 
to ultimate success. A must." 
- Sam Vaknin

"Web Marketing Explained" will also give you the following...

A unique Traffic Generating Viral Marketing Tool, to automatically
send your own sales page
lots of traffic

An original way to instantly double -or triple- your existing Web 
Site traffic -using a 100% FREE on line service -and how to put
      this automatic traffic generator to work on all your web pages

Proven methods to get more profit out of your existing Ezine or 
Opt-In List -and the number one rule you need to avoid when 
      you use Email Marketing

Simple tips and techniques that will help you automate your 
business, so you can stay focused on the important things

Why Ezines or Opt-In Lists are gold mines, and how you can 
turn your existing customer files into life long cash machines
       -and why most list owners don't put this into practice

Virtually unknown ways to create a continuous stream of new 
leads and how to make them loyal customers 

In other words: "Web Marketing Explained" will teach you 
how to skyrocket your product -or affiliate- sales

PLUS: Not only will you get this Top-Notch Information Packed
Manual to lear from, but you will also profit from it by
reselling it to others -while you keep all the profits!

Yes, the "Web Marketing Explained" Ebook is just the beginning!

You'll also be given complete and detailed instructions to turn this Ebook into your own profit machine! 

Let me explain...

When you purchase "Web Marketing Explained" you will also get the following...

  • Your 100% Royalty Free Resell Rights License!

    You can sell "Web Marketing Explained" from your own website and keep every penny of the sale! There's no profit to share with anyone... you make all the money here! 

    As you may know, there are huge profits to be made from selling information that you don't have to spend the time writing. You can now profit instantly selling
    a product that was created for you.

  • Your own Sales Page with Custom Images (A $95.97 value!)

    This E-book comes with a Ready-Made Sales Page and Sales Letter - just like this one. You'll receive step-by-step instructions to set up the whole sales process!

"Web Marketing Explained" comes in .pdf format, so it's for both PC and Mac users, and you can download it instantly to your hard disk!

Now, you probably like to know the price for all this information? 

Well, the official sales price will be $24.97... but because I'm testing the price/sales conversion, you get everything for the incredible introduction price of ONLY $14.97!

For your own good, and before I hit my irrevocable sales limit, get this Ebook now!

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by Jeff McCall

Everything you will ever need to install pop-
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From the basics, right through to advanced features like cookies and pop-ups that "self-
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by Lawrence Pryor and Andrew Fox

You also get FULL Resell Rights to this Ebook at no charge! You'll even receive the ready made web site and graphics to sell the book from your own site! 


As soon as your order is placed, you will have access to the Ebook, the Ready Made Sales Page with Custom Images and a special BONUS GIFT! 

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: I'm not going to make any crazy promises here, or guarantee you overnight Internet wealth. The only one that can guarantee you this is... YOU! All I can do is point you in the right direction...

P.P.S. One more thing I almost forgot to mention - this offer includes the best, most unique learning tool there is - A REAL PERSON! You get your own professional Course Counsellor to contact with any questions you may have. As often as you need. Any time, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.


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