Internet Marketing Secrets - Essentials Guide

Internet Marketing Secrets Guide

Learn the essentials that the experts use to follow a Systematic approach to success on the Internet!

“Discover the Secrets the Internet Marketing experts use to ensure success!

If you are new to the Net or have been banging your head for a while, this is for you!”

black jack

If you are looking to start a profitable online business and want to stay away from the get rich quick schemes. You need this book. It will take you through the grass roots essential secrets and provide you the ground work for long term success.

From: Eric White

Dear Friend

Are you New To Internet Marketing?,

I will tell you a story and you sing out if you know the words.

It is a fresh new day, you have a connection to the internet and you have seen and heard that there is money to be made on the Internet.

Every time you search or click someone is welcoming you in to their web.

Make money without promoting! You succeed if you work or not!

A million claims that, if you thought about it with a clear head would send you RUNNING in the other direction. However, like internet Moths, sooner or later we are drawn by the light and we get hooked on one of them and hand over money!

You are given some ad copy, and a few banners and sent out into the world... but nothing happens.

Rather than deciding that the approach is flawed you make some assumptions.

"This program must not be very good", you decide to find another person who deserves your money. You are destined to repeat this cycle a number of times with similar results.

Introducing.... Internet Marketing Secrets Guide

Before you succeed on the internet you must understand the mechanics of the system. (the internet system that is)

It is a system, and those who know the secrets can work the process. Everyone else is still trying the "new system loop". Internet Marketing Secrets - Essentials Guide is for the newbie marketer. It is designed to take you step by step through the basics.

I am not going to dazzle you with bright lights and amazing projections of growth. Your growth will depend on You! Your attitude and commitment to consistent and systematic application of the system.

Learn the essential tools

Learn the essential tools for Internet Marketing professionals. Master the core information and then you will be introduced to the advanced concepts. You do not need to address the advanced features until you have a comfortable understanding of the system and its application.

For a Short TIME I will include Master reseller rights for this ebook so you will be able to share the secrets with your team and profit from the exchange. I will also include the following great "How To" videos to help you drive traffic to your new business venture.

Get started today, any delay only means that you will spend more time like an internet moth, wondering the internet looking for a light source to burn your wings again!

What is in the book?

Building a Web Site - all the information you need

Defining a Usable Site

Building Interactivity and Personalization

Graphics / Webcopy

Choosing a Domain Name

Testing and Performance

Building credibility and maintaining it

Internet Business Ideas

Leverage the advantages of the Net

What businesses are succeeding on the Net?

Should you be selling a product or a service?

Importance of Back-end Selling

Cross Selling

Secrets of Winning Traffic through Search Engines

How Search Engines work

Top Search Engines

Search Engine Page ranking algorithms

Web Copy for SEO

Pay-Per-Click—Buying Status

Link Popularity and Link Analysis

Optimizing your Website

Monitoring Your Progress

Buying Advertising and Keeping Customers


Text Links

Classified Ads

Cultivating New Customers

Creating effective Ads

Getting Rich from Affiliate Programs

Getting Rich from Affiliate Programs

Set up your online

Managing and tracking your affiliate programs

How to attract affiliates

LinkShare – Affiliate program that can bring you great results

Affiliate management in-built with your payment gateway – ClickBank

This is continued in to the second volume. You will qualify for a 50% discount on volume two, should you decide to continue past the essentials.

The above list is just a small example of what you will learn in “Internet Marketing Secrets - Essentials”!

So, how much is this great guide worth?


You're going to love it!

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