Killer Mini Sites - Make your web site sell and sell and sell some more

How to create killer mini sites that sell like crazy! - 100% Guaranteed How to create killer mini sites that sell like crazy! - 100% Guaranteed




"An amazing new report shows you the
secrets behind successful mini sites!"

Here's what experts are saying about it.

"Alpha del Bosque has a supreme understanding of the logic and psychology of mini-sites.

Her superb report 'Killer Mini Sites' is indispensable if you've been considering using this strategy in your Internet marketing. She makes a fairly complex topic very easy to understand, and the book is even enjoyable and great to *look* at!"
- Mark Joyner

"What a great idea! While everyone else is losing money on mega-websites, along comes Alpha with the brilliant idea of selling information on mini-sites!

I love it! Get this one! It reads like a breeze and works like a charm!"
- Joe Vitale, author of "Hypnotic Writing,"
"Spiritual Marketing," and numerous other books

"I have to admit that I was very impressed with your report. The information was literally dead-on and presents the exact method by which I personally run my own online business. Killer Mini-Sites are THE way to go -no doubt
(I have a bank account packed with money to prove it).

The bottom line is: For anyone who accesses and actually implements the suggestions you so clearly outline, they are guaranteed a faster, proven and more reliable system for producing an income online -- no matter who they are.

Outstanding work!!"
- Chayden A. Bates
The effective marketing group

"Alpha, simply put: Your new report is brilliant! You have managed to break down every little detail in the process of creating mini-sites that work.

'Killer mini-sites' should be required reading to anyone trying to make money online. After all, they *will* be making hard sounding cash once they start using your principles.

And to top it all off, the report is eye-candy! Two thumbs up!

In my opinion, your report is: 'The e-book of the year'!"
- Miguel Alvarez
E-book publishing software

A deep down dissection of the most successful mini sites on the web and exclusive access to my 9-block formula for creating killer mini sites that sell like crazy! (Plus you get the complete rights to sell this great product and keep 100% of the profits in your pocket!

Dear Internet friend...
I'm already taking heat from some "web marketing gurus" for revealing this information here. But you know what? I don't care!

Their secrets have been hidden long enough and in my opinion it is about time that someone actually showed *you* the exact steps to create a mini-site that makes mega-bucks... sites like the ones those gurus are using to build their online empires every passing day.

In case you're still not familiar with mini-sites, let me give you a brief explanation of what they are and what they can do for you...

An insider-look at mini-sites:
Mini Sites are simple (but powerful) one or two page web sites that sell a product -- usually, an infoproduct. These apparently harmless sites, when done correctly are unstoppable money-making machines.

If you've been on the net some time and if you're interested in the topic of "online marketing", I'm sure that you've seen some of the sites I'm talking about... and chances are you even bought from several of them. Right? Yes, that's how powerful they are...

Actually, mini-sites are in my opinion "the perfect web business". And how couldn't it be if...

  • Mini-sites are quick and easy to produce
  • Mini-sites allow you to test your marketing on the go
  • Mini-sites provide instant results
  • Mini-sites have *huge* response-rates

The fact is that if you're still not embracing the power of mini-sites to sell your products online, you might as well quit the online marketing race altogether and flush your money down the toilet!

But be warned: Slapping up a one-page site and hoping to make a zillion dollars in sales is not all it takes. Killer mini-sites are studied psychological weapons that need to be created with the proper care.

Ahhh... but when done correctly, a mini-site can make your sales and profits explode like nothing you've ever seen before!

Do you know *exactly* what it takes to create
a Killer Mini-Site that makes prospects buy?
If you don't, you're not alone... Creating a mini-site that makes visitors flip-out their wallets and order your products is not as easy as it looks. Most people don't know the "behind the curtains" look at how to grab the reader by the throat and pull him into your site, how to write eye-grabbing copy, how to ask for the order, etc.

These and other variables are the ones that make the BIG difference between one-page-duds and "Killer Mini-Sites".

Here's the good news... I have written a special report entitled:

"How to create killer mini-sites that sell like crazy!"

This brand-new report shows you the exact step-by-step techniques used by internet marketing experts to create mini-sites that sell and sell and then sell some more...

Not only will I show you the techniques they use... I actually went further and dissected their most intimate strategies!
How to create killer mini sites that sell like crazy! - 100% Guaranteed

This is your chance to actually "see behind their curtains" and finally figure out why they are earning thousands of dollars each day, while many others are failing miserably - even when apparently taking the exact same steps...

You'll learn every dirty little secret these marketers have: Corey Rudl, Declan Dunn, Miguel Alvarez, Marlon Sanders, Yanik Silver and Mark Joyner! It's just like peeking into their minds... trust me, you'll be amazed at the strategies these guys use!

Here's a few of the things you'll learn:

  • My proven secret-formula of how to create a mini-site that's guaranteed to make money. I've dissected it into 9 easy to understand blocks to make sure you profit from it right away!
  • The truth about graphic-design and how to use it to generate more leads & sales than you ever imagined possible.
  • How to come up with a riveting headline that pulls in more interested prospects into your offer (and how to turn them into paying customers)
  • Why the only way to go is by setting up multiple streams of income and how to do it correctly!
  • The approach you should use when the product you are selling on your mini-site is not yours (Yes, it's completely different).
  • How anyone can add 16 different streams of income in just a couple of minutes for just pennies a month!
  • How to write tight, well-crafted copy that sells.
  • The top 5 strategies I use to promote my mini-sites.
  • The twists that master-marketers are using this very minute to make fortunes out of their mini-sites... and how you can use the very same techniques to explode your monthly income!
  • Plus marketing genius Mark Joyner sets this report on fire by granting us an exclusive interview where he reveals even more of his killer strategies. (Don't miss out on this one!)
  • And a lot more to mention in this short list...

Don't even try to make a mini-site work
without reading this report first!

After you read this incredible special report, you'll never have to stare at a blank screen for hours trying to come up with a way to create your mini-sites and make them burst in sales.

Why? Because inside you'll find the exact formulas that professional internet marketers use to make visitors tick! All you'll need to do is open up this report, follow my secret formula and model the tips and wallet-fattening techniques that masters use... and never again will you be left in the dark trying to figure out exactly what steps to take in order to make your new project work!

Now, here comes the good part...

Royalty Free resell rights included!

Have I gone mad by giving away the resell rights to this report? Actually no, let me tell you something... I'm not doing it out of madness, I'm doing it to prove my point with my bold:

"Five times your investment or your money-back guarantee!"

That's right... all you have to do is purchase the special report, announce it to your list and see the profits pour in. If after only seven days, you have not made at least five sales of this report (five times your total investment) I will courteously refund every red cent you paid.

That's how sure I am Mini-sites work like a charm! (and experts agree with me on this - read the bar on the left side of your screen). I'm willing to take off all the risk from you and put it on my shoulders... you have nothing to lose by giving this a try. Nothing at all!

Here's how to start right now
with instant access...

You've seen mini-sites in action and you know they work. And now it's time for you to start creating your own with the help of my exclusive 9-block guaranteed-to-work formula.

For only $19.95 you'll get access to the special report. PLUS you'll get resell rights for the product so you can start making cash immediately.

And, You'll get a copy of this mini-site and salesletter that you can upload and start making cash immediately..

All you have to do is make up your mind and click on the order link  below to place your order and get instant access to my report!


SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!


Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 90 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.





ONLY $ 19.95

Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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