How to make Money Giving Away FREE Internet Access

Don Lapre Info Reports

by Don Lapre

Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!

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The Internet was created in the 1960s by the Department of Defense as an almost indestructible way to keep the military communicating in the event of a nuclear war. The Internet allows computers all over the world to communicate with one another by sending packets of information through phone lines. It was abandoned by the Department of Defense and kept alive by students of universities and the science divisions of governments all over the world.

For the most part the Internet in the beginning was a “techie” text based medium embraced and used by those in technical and computer-oriented fields to communicate through electronic mail (e-mail) and Usenet. E-mail is like regular postal mail except that it is sent and received by Internet users over the phone lines on their computers. Usenet is like a large global discussion group that is segmented by subject. and users discuss topics within the subject matter by posting a series of replies and responses. These subject specific segments of Usenet are referred to as newsgroups, and the replies and responses that comprise the topics they contain are known as threads. To date the number of subject specific newsgroups is in excess of 35,000 and growing.

In 1991 the government sponsored development and creation of hypertext transfer protocol “http.” “Http” transformed the Internet from a text based communications medium to one that allowed users to access a new “world wide web” of global information that encompassed not only text based communications but pictures, graphics, audio and video. The multimedia aspects of the web attracted corporate populations from all over the world to create digital commerce presence in this new vibrant medium.

The vibrancy of this new medium has attracted young and old to “surf the net” to find information on anything from recipes to watching real-time video from television networks all over the world. To date there is an estimated 70 million Internet users globally with an additionally estimated 10,000 new users logging on for the first time worldwide. At this rate of growth it is estimated that the Internet population will explode to in excess of 200 million global users by the year 2000.

No matter if one goes on the Internet for recreation or business, all Internet users have one thing in common - they need access! Access is the “gas in the fuel tank “ for Internet users to navigate through the Internet and all the divisions of cyberspace that can be accessed through it. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are making a fortune by providing users with easy to use software that allows them to sign on in minutes!

The gold rush in cyberspace is on! Those who get in early stand the highest potential to make the greatest amount from consumer’s mad rush to get connected to this digital marvel. One might think that you would need hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment and resources to start your very own Internet access company. However, through Making Money Interactive you can start your very own Internet access company for pennies on the dollar and make monthly residuals for everyone that you give free Internet access to!

Just imagine what selling potential you have when you are no longer selling a good or service, but just simply giving it away! Many industries have embraced this distribution method and are exploding because of it. Cellular phones, pagers, home security systems and a variety of other goods and services are now given away in exchange for a monthly service commitment.

In the new model that industry has embraced for the distribution of goods that have monthly service aspects, very little if any money is asked of the consumer to purchase or obtain the goods necessary to access a service. Instead, industry attempts to secure profits through the longevity of a service contract.

Which may require a commitment of as little as month to month, or several years.

Internet access is a service that can be successfully distributed through the aforementioned distribution channel. Making Money Interactive has put together an astounding program that allows you to make money by simply giving away certificates or software for free Internet access. As an addition to all those that you give free Internet access to, they will also get a free membership to Making Money On-Line. An entrepreneurial on-line service that is accessible over the Internet.

It features 18 channels or content rich areas that can show any Internet user how they could make money on-line! This service is explained in Chapter Five: What Is Making Money On-Line?
We hope you get started right away and make a complete fortune! Start-up details are featured in the Contact section of this manual.

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