Discover the Secrets of High-income Professional Speakers ... and How YOU can become one of them. Is it POSSIBLE???

This one-of-a-kind speaking resource will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about getting into the lucrative speaking industry.

"Wake 'em Up teaches you to be irresistible as a presenter."
Mark Victor Hansen, Co-Author of the #1 New York Times Best-selling series, Chicken Soup for the Soul


In PDF format for both PC and Mac Users


Dear  Friend,

Has anybody ever offered you $5500 to stand before an audience and share what you know? Has anybody ever offered to send you to Hawaii, Atlantic City, or Morocco to give a talk to a packed house?

If you answered "No" to both of those questions, then read on and find out how you can make more money in one hour than most people earn in a month while traveling the globe and staying in luxurious comfort at the world’s finest hotels for free.

"Nobody would pay $5500 to hear me . . . "

Is that what you’re saying to yourself right now? Well, that’s just the kind of attitude Tom Antion, author of Wake ‘Em Up Business Presentations, had when he started. When Tom started out, he was earning a measly $75 per speech. Today, he makes almost $6000 for each appearance and his travel expenses are all covered by the organization that hires him!

Still don’t believe there’s money to be made by sharing your knowledge?

Go online and do a quick search for "Speakers Bureau," then browse through any of the sites that come up. You’ll quickly realize that $5500 per speech is a drop in the bucket compared to what some experienced speakers charge. Some make up to $100,000 for just one night, sometimes as little as one hour of work!

What makes the difference between a $75 and a $5500 speaker? Presentation!

The best speakers involve their audience, motivate them, inspire them, excite them. Few people are naturally born with the natural gifts for making these attention-getting, powerfully delivered, entertaining speeches. But now anyone can learn as long as they have access to the right teacher.

And that brings us back to Mr. Tom Antion and his book, Wake ‘Em Up Business Presentations. The strategies and tips included in this 336 page book are the very same strategies Tom used to stop earning a paltry $75 and to start making $5500 per speech.

Included in the book:

  • Over 1000 advanced speaking tips and techniques

  • Pre-program Questionnaire . . . Adapt it, or use it as is.

  • Emotional Language . . . Learn how to pick your words to push their buttons.

  • Comprehensive International Section . . . Don't panic when you face a foreign audience.

  • Heirloom Handouts  . . . They'll keep them forever when you use these tips.

  • The Lastest, Greatest Seating Methods . . . Easy to use diagrams.

  • Professional Level Introductions . . . Advanced Template. You fill in the blanks.

  • Wake 'em Up Openings . . . 4 types of formula openings so you'll always have a variety.

  • Instantly Usable Speaker Material . . . .Some lines just never get old.

  • Attention Gaining Devices . . . You'll make insomniacs out of the audience members when you use these 11 simple techniques.

  • Speaking Formulas . . . Why beat your head against the wall to develop material? . . . Just fill in the blanks.

  • Hard Hitting Closings . . . When you deliver these, they'll know you were there.

  • Material Selection . . . Learn how to make appropriate choices to suit any audience.

  • Tons of Professional Level Delivery Tips . . . and I mean TONS! More than any other presentation skills book anywhere. I guarantee it.

  • Timing . . . Learn the secrets of knowing when to pause.

  • Humor Placement . . . Where does it go? When should I use humor? You won't have to wonder anymore.

  • 51 Stage Fright Strategies . . . Simply pick the mix that calms you down.

  • 5 Genius Techniques . . . Move over Einstein. You've got the theory of relativity, but I've got the microphone.

  • Bomproofing . . . You'll never deliver a dud after you learn these tricks.

  • Saver Lines . . . Learn what to say to turn a Turkey into a Swan.

  • 100 Pre-planned ad-libs . . . You'll look like a quick wit when you use these lines.

  • Stage Movement . . . Where's the power on stage. This section tells you.

  • Clothing Tips . . . Patterns, solids, pockets, ties, jewelry . . . a potpouri of handy info.

  • 6 Involvement Techniques . . . Audiences demand it . . . now you have lots of ways to deliver it.

  • 34 Ways to Be Funny . . . and only 1 is has anything to do with joketelling.

  • Practice Techniques . . . Fantastic tricks that make you look smooooooooth . . . and they take no time at all.

  • Storytelling . . . You will really learn how to paint pictures in the audiences member's minds  . . . 27 dos and don'ts tell you how.

  • Sources and Organization of Material . . . Find your stuff fast with these handy tips.

  • Audio Visual Equipment . . . How to get the most out of the old standbys.

  • Visual Design including the psychology of color . . . Kodak helped me on this chapter.

  • Completely indexed . . . .Tom spent 4 days from midnight to 4:00 AM indexing this book himself. I guarantee you can find what you want FAST!

Plus much, much more.

Still have questions about how you can become a $5500 per speech speaker? 
The answers can all be found within the pages of Tom Antion’s Wake ‘Em Up Business Presentations.

"What in the world could I talk about? I’m no expert."

Everyone knows something that other people would be willing to pay to learn. You just have to find out what your niche is. The book can help you select the best material for your audience, deliver your material flawlessly, identify reliable sources for facts and figures, and organize your material for maximum effectiveness. See what other have to say:

"Mastering the skills in Tom's program will virtually guarantee you will always be in demand as a speaker."
Dottie Walters, President, Walters International Speakers Bureau, Co-Author Speak and Grow Rich

"Audiences like humor. I’m no comedian!"

You don’t have to make a fool of yourself with bad jokes in order to ease the tension with your audience. Wake ‘Em Up Business Presentations includes tested techniques for humor placement (not just in the opening), plus over thirty ways to be funny and most don’t include telling a single joke and 100 ad-libs that will make you look smooth under pressure.

"I can’t speak in front of audiences. I suffer from stage fright."

Did you know that Johnny Carson and Laurence Olivier both suffered from horrendous stage fright? Tom Antion’s book includes more than 50 strategies for overcoming stage fright plus effective practice techniques that will help you feel comfortable with the material before you get on stage. You’ll also have access to the tricks that can insure your speech will never be a dud. Don't take my word for it. See what the founder of the National Speakers Association has to say about Tom:

"Tom's program and materials will cut five years off a speaker's learning curve."
Cavett Robert, Founder, National Speakers Association

Are you ready to give up your day job and start earning $5500 for one evening of work with the help of the strategies found in Tom Antion Wake ‘Em Up Business Presentations?

Here’s ten reasons why you need this book:

1. You’ll become an instant entertainer

2. Your social life will improve drastically (Tom Antion even received a special tour of the White House after impressing a Secret Service agent with his speech)

3. You’ll know how to deliver material effectively– no more yawning crowds

4. You’ll be able to use your experience as a professional speaker to improve your own career, boost your exposure, increase book sales, and more. After all, you’re being paid to advertise yourself!

5. You’ll never suffer from low self-esteem or shyness again!

6. You will become a dynamic, inspirational speaker

7. You will be the center of attention for crowds as small as 50 to as large as 1000 or more

8. You’ll be able to give up gigs in Holiday Inns for prestigious speaking engagements in four star hotels

9. You will be paid to travel all over the globe

10. You will earn in one night as a professional speaker 20 times what the average person earns in a 40 hour week.

Maybe money and free travel don’t interest you. Then imagine how you will feel the first time someone in your audience comes up to you and says "You have changed my life!" Or think about how you will feel when more than 200 people line up just to get your signature. Can you put a price tag on those experiences?

All of this and more is possible just by following the simple strategies and tips for effective professional speaking found in Tom Antion’s Wake ‘Em Up Business Presentations.

Now, what are you waiting for? Order your copy today for $ 9.95. My Risk-Free Guarantee Protects You In Every Way! Just fill out the Secure Order Form  and make the first step towards your new life as a $5500 per speech speaker.

We’ll see you on stage!

PS: I forgot to mention the Appendix: This section (by itself) has more information than is included in many other presentation books.

  • Action Plan

  • Speaker Resources

  • Room Setup Checklists

  • Tips for Television & Videotape and Videoconferencing

  • Banquet / Luncheon Tips

  • Speaking Glossary

  • Giant Bibliography

P.P.S. Hey listen. Maybe it's hard for you to imagine jumping to five or six thousand dollars for a speech. Don't worry. Anyone who does the things outlined in this course can easily break in at $1500.00 or $2000.00. Did you know that many speakers have lost lots of money because they were too cheap? It happened to me on the way up and I know other speakers who fell in the same trap. We thought that keeping our fees low would mean we would be booked more often . . . Hogwash! Low fees make the meeting planner think you must not be very good. I won't let this happen to you.

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