Discover EXACTLY How To Get
Top-Notch Results From eZine Ads While You AVOID Costly Mistakes!

You can resell this new (2002) guide and keep
100% Of The PROFIT!

eZine Advertising is still the 'big kid on the block.' It's the most cost effective method ever for you to get your sales message out to thousands of prospects, quickly and efficiently. All you need to do is throw out some eZine ads and watch the money roll in!



To some extent, that was true only a couple of short years ago, but not anymore. The competition has become fierce. Many eZines flood themselves with advertising as a revenue source, making it even more difficult for your ad to stand out from all the mess.

And guess what? Some eZine publishers are not ethical and honest people!

Do you know how to tell an advertising pirate from an honest and hard-working publisher? If you don't, then are you really prepared to risk your precious advertising budget with just anyone who has a pretty webpage and a fancy logo?

Am I scaring you? Well, I'm sorry. But I want you to become aware of the traps before you fall in and get hurt.

The truth is, without some solid information to start with (or a year or more of your own expensive trial-and-error experience) your own eZine advertising campaign can be just as risky as spinning the roulette wheel in Monte Carlo!

Now, I don't mean to turn you away from eZine advertising. Good money can be made there, if you know how to make informed choices as to when and where to advertise. You actually need to advertise in ezines to build your business! But you simply must know how to reduce the risk factor.

So, if you're currently advertising in eZines or plan to in the near future . . . read on. eZine Advertising FACTS will help you avoid costly advertising mistakes, and will show you exactly how get the best return from every eZine advertising dollar you spend.

eZine Advertising Is Great, but . . .

Of course, I agree that eZine advertising is a powerful business resource. But, what no one else seems to be mentioning is that it also HAS THE HIGHEST RISK FACTOR of all promotion methods available on the Net! Not everything that looks like or calls itself an 'eZine' is really a worthwhile marketing tool for you.

Now, I'm certainly not trying to assault the graces of the many honest and above-board publishers out there. I'm simply trying to make you aware that more than a few so-called 'eZines' are nothing more than another type of Internet rip-off disguised as an 'e-publishing firm' . . . waiting for you to come along with your ad money.

Oh sure, 'XYZ eZine' may actually have a list of 15000 email addresses. If that was the only information needed, everyone would be getting filthy rich advertising in eZines! You need to know more than just subscriber counts . . . a lot more.

eZine Advertising FACTS is focused on doing two things for you . . . showing you how to compose professional advertising copy that will stand above the flood . . . and showing you how to avoid the great eZine Advertising Rip-Off that is so widespread today . . . yet no one seems to be talking about it.

But first, let me get this out of the way right now . . .

  • This guide is based on facts . . . (not theories) gathered from almost 3 years of my own eZine advertising experience, testing, and research. I've learned all this stuff the hard (and expensive) way.

  • You do get Master Resale and Customizing Rights without paying another nickel! Try that on for size with some other publishers.

  • eZine Advertising FACTS is priced at a mere $19.97 US Dollars. Not bad considering how much money you stand to lose if you don't have the right information. Just one lame ad can cost you two or three times the price of this guide.

  • If you're not happy, I'm not happy. Your $19.97 investment is backed up by my no-nonsense 180 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Either you're 100% satisfied, or I will not keep your money.

  • And yes, I'm including several additional resources to make this ePackage as useable and effective as possible for you. The more information you have, the less chance you will get burned and ripped-off in your eZine advertising campaign.

Okay, back to business. Just what is it that you need to know to advertise successfully in eZines, and stay safe at the same time?

Well, do you know the answers to these questions . . .

  • Do you know the REAL definition of the much-used and often
    mis-used term 'opt-in?'

  • Do you know exactly how to uncover an unethical eZine publisher and exactly what questions to ask BEFORE you pay money to advertise?

  • Do you know the #1 Secret to Successful eZine Advertising?

  • Can you recognize the certain type of ad that is an automatic 'warning sign' when you see it in any eZine?

  • Big List vs. Small List . . . which is more responsive?

  • Can you tell the difference between a real opt-in subscriber and a 'kettle of fish?'

  • Do you know how to start with a few advertising dollars and leverage it into a full-blown eZine advertising campaign in 6 - 8 weeks?

  • What is the one type of eZine ad you should NEVER buy under any circumstances?

  • The one single mistake that can reduce the response to your solo ads by as much as 80% . . . Do you know what it is?

  • How much are ads to even a 'good' list really worth and what are the guidelines for how much you should pay?

  • Do you know how to get money from your orders in your hands IMMEDIATELY, so you can re-invest quickly in more advertising?

  • Do you know where to find eZines that are targeted to just about ANY interest group so you can market just about ANY product through targeted eZine advertising?

  • Which days of the week get the best ad response, and which days should you avoid?

  • Do you know three simple, no-cost low-tech methods to track profits from individual ads, and know immediately which ones to dump?

  • Can you think of 836 time-tested and proven 'trigger words and phrases' that will give you the power to motivate readers into ACTION?

  • Do you know thirteen easy no-cost tricks of the Ad-Masters to get bigger response from smaller ads?

  • Do you know the 'six primary psychological triggers' that are the ONLY reasons that humans are motivated to do ANYTHING . . . including responding to your advertisements?

  • Do you know where to test your ads right now to over 300,000 targeted ezine readers without spending a dime?

All this time-and-money saving information, and quite a lot more is what you're about to discover in . . .

eZine Advertising FACTS

But that still isn't all . . .

As I told you, I've added a few additional items to this package. But please do not mistake these for trashy 'bonuses' like you might see elsewhere with some other offers.

Each of the guides below has been carefully chosen for what they can contribute to the function of this package . . . which is to give you a winning edge in the eZine advertising and web promotion arena.

Your copy of 'Website & eZine Promotion Made Easy'

Master Marketer Dirk Dupon's new guide that reveals the quickest and easiest methods for highly effective website promotion! Many of Dirk's techniques are COST FREE!

Plus you receive Master Resale Rights to this guide and the Mini-Site too!

Your copy of 'EzineAD Profits'

This guide contains a directory of tested eZines for your advertising . . . each one ranked by the results achieved.

PLUS MORE insider tips, tricks, and techniques for writing dynamite ads that get Blow-the-Doors-Off response! You also get Master Resale Rights and the webpage to sell this guide from.

Your copy of 'Magic Letters - How To Write So People Buy Now.'

You'll learn the little known and seldom shared 'psychology' behind successful ad writing and the emotional 'triggers' that make people feel they MUST buy your product!

This manual can literally put MONEY in YOUR POCKET!

There's Still More . . .

You'll also get my own 'Top 12 List' of the hardest-hitting order-pullingest eZines for placing high profile paid ads. I've already done the research for you, and proven through my own advertising that these eZines are the absolute 'Cream of the Crop.'

The Net's Largest Collection of over 800 All-Time Winning 'Trigger Words and Phrases' that will make your ads get Blow-The-Doors-Off response. These words seem to have a kind of 'mystical' power that creates emotion, action, and response in a reader. You'll discover exactly how to use them in your ads.

You'll also receive 'the next evolution' in online ad-tracking. A Free Trial of HyperTracker! This baby doesn't just lay there and count hits . . . it counts $$$ returns from each ad, tells you exactly which ads are making money, and exactly which ones to drop like hot rocks! This feature alone can increase your bottom line profit by 200 - 400% in just a couple of weeks!

Now, there is really nothing else quite like this available on the Net. So, to arrive at a fair and marketable price, I consulted with three top marketing experts.

Their recommendations for pricing of eZine Advertising FACTS ran to as much as $67.00 USD. But I undershot them all. I want to get this guide out to Internet Marketers who really need it, and certainly NOT be greedy about it just because this is my exclusive information. Besides, there is too much greed on the Net already.

They also said I was crazy for offering you Free Master Resale Rights because of the unique information in this guide. But let's get real. There is no way that I alone can get this information to everyone who needs it.

All For Only $15.95

SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell  and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You'll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize!

Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

If you take my book now, and are not satisfied with it for any reason or find any better offer, just contact me during the next 180 days and tell me. I’ll gladly and promptly refund your purchase. Without any questions.

So what are you waiting for? Do you want to keep on taking unnecessary risks with your ad budget . . . or do you want to start getting your money's worth from your eZine advertising in about 5 minutes from now.

After all, it's Your Success we're talking about!




ONLY $ 15.95

Best Of Success!

P.S. - Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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