E-Biz Tips and Tricks

Fine-Tune and Automate Your Online Business

by HNB Resources

This eBook is JAM-PACKED with GREAT tips, secrets, and tricks in online business solutions.

Feel free to give this eBook away as an incentive for your visitors or customers and enjoy!


Table of Contents

1. How Cgi Works

2. Javascript Tutorial Part I - The Basics

3. Javascript Tutorial Part II - Function Basics

4. Javascript Tutorial Part III - Variable Basics

5. Javascript Tutorial Part IV - Scrolling Tape Calculator

6. Advanced Email Link Generator with Anti-Spam Encoder

7. Classic Browser Redirection

8. Customer Friendly, Cart-Less Site

9. Delayed Exposure Browser Window

10. Determining Your Visitor's Time Zone

11. Dynamic Listbox Content

12. Easy Mouse Over Images for Your Site

13. Fast Info For Your Visitors

14. Form Input Validation and Correction

15. Free For Some - Not Free For All

16. Code Generator for Mouse-Over Double Image Rollover

17. Javascript Feedback Form

18. Visitors Recommend Your Site

19. Master Daily Content

20. Master Info Relay

21. Master Link Monitoring

22. Master Merry-Go-Round

23. Multiple-Response Autoresponders

24. Personal Search Engine

25. Putting Form Confirmation Pages into Pop-Ups

26. Seamless Banner Tickers

27. Sending 404s Where They Wanted to Go

28. Short URLs and Redirection Without CGI

29. Site Moving Tips

30. Submit Button Multiple Click Trapper

31. Syndicating Your Articles

32. Web Graphic Theft Register

33. Webpage Mailer

34. What to Expect When Buying Site Creation Services

35. HOT-SELLING Start-Up Business Kits & Tools


1. How CGI Works

When you understand this article, you will have:

an intuitive understanding of what CGI is,

a better grasp of what is possible and what is not, and

more confidence when installing CGI programs.

You already understand that when you surf the internet your browser retrieves (or gets served) information from other computers.

Those other computers send (or serve) information to your browser with special computer software called a server. Every computer that serves information to internet browsers uses server software.

Your browser asks the server software for something and the server software gets it for you.

You can compare it to a restaurant. You give your order to the server (the wait person) and the server gets it for you.

Just as you always have to go through the restaurant's server person to get food, so your browser always has to go through a server program to get information.

Most restaurants have food ready to be served immediately, such as drinks and snacks, and also have food that requires the skills of a cook to prepare before serving.

Most remote computers on the internet have information ready to be served immediately, such as web pages and images, and also have information that requires processing before serving.

When you want a custom prepared meal, you order it through your server person. The server takes it to another person. This person is called a "cook." The cook prepares the meal by gathering together the appropriate ingredients and combining them correctly; then gives it to your server. Your server delivers the meal to you.

When your browser wants custom information, the browser tells the remote computer's server software. The server hands it to another program on that computer. That program is called a "CGI program". The CGI program gathers together the appropriate data and does any required calculations on it; then gives it to the server. The server delivers the information to your browser.

The custom prepared meals you can get at a restaurant are limited to the kitchen equipment at hand, the skills of the cook, and the available ingredients.

The custom information you can get with your browser is limited to the the operating system of the remote computer, the type and quality of CGI programs on the computer, and the available data.

The servers at a restaurant have a specific method of sending requests to the cooks and receiving meals from the cooks. That method could be called the server/cook interface; it is a common gateway through which requests are made and meals received.

The server software on a remote computer has to follow a specific method (called a "protocol") to send requests to CGI programs and receive custom information back. That protocol is a server/program interface. It is a common software gateway through which requests are made and custom information received. It is called "Common Gateway Interface" or "CGI".

Let's suppose you order a meal in a restaurant and the server person sends your order to a cook. The meal is taking a long time and you have another appointment. So you leave the restaurant before your meal arrives.

The server person at the restaurant notices you're gone and tells the cook. So the cook stops cooking your meal -- no sense putting any more effort into it when you're not there to receive your order.

Let's suppose you're at a web page and click a link. The remote computer's server software sends the request to a CGI program for fulfillment. It's taking a long time and you're in a hurry. So you leave the site and go surf somewhere else.

The server software on the remote computer notices your browser is gone and tells the CGI program. The CGI program quits running -- no sense using computer resources when you're not there to receive the information.

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