The Cash Flow e-Business


Welcome to the Cash Flow eBuisness eBook ™. In this electronic book, we've tried to cover the most fundamental principals of promoting any business, product or service on or off the Net.

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The Problem!

One problem we ran into as we were preparing this ebook is that the subject of "marketing and advertising" is HUGE... and you can literally write an encyclopedia worth of information on each and every tactic a business can use to promote themselves.

There are so many ways to promote a business that at times, it becomes mind boggling and more frustrating than anything else. Of course, a better question would be, "What's the most time and cost effective ways to promote and market my business?"

Knowing how busy you are and the simple fact that most people just don't like reading large volumes of information on marketing and advertising, we decided to cover marketing topics that will cost you little or nothing to promote your business.

We've divided this book into 3 main section of:

- Search Engine Tips
- Free Publicity Tips
- Ad Copy Tips

We've removed all the fluff and filler and have given you the most basic, hard hitting and proven tactics for each of the above sections! And if you still want more specific info on each subject matter, we'll show you how, what and where to go!

Search Engine Tips
Table of Contents:

An Introduction To Search Engines
- Pros
- Cons

Different Types Of Search Engines
- Search Engines
- Directories

How To Choose Your Keywords
- Brainstorming For The Right Keywords
- Phrases
- Plurals And Longer Words
- Misspelled Keywords
- Your Location
- Avoid "Skip" or "Stop" Words
- Lower Case
- Testing Your Keywords
- Curious About Others?

How To Prepare Your Web Page
- The Title
- Sub-Pages And Doorway Pages
- Description
- META Tags
- META Description Tags
- META Keyword Tags

Factors That Greatly Affect Your Relevancy
- Keyword Weight
- Prominence Of The Keyword Searched
- Keyword Frequency
- Comment Tags
- Keyword Placement
- Heading Tags
- Link Text
- URL Keywords
- ALT Tags

How, When & Where To Submit
- Double Check Before You Submit
- Submission Software Programs
- Doing It For Free!

List Of General "Do's"
- Creating Doorway Pages
- Title Of Your Page
- Insert META Tags
- Use <H1>Header</H6> Tags
- Keep Keywords At The Top
- URL Keywords
- Use ALT Tags
- Use <!-- Comment --> Tags
- Submit Maximum Of Ten A Day
- Submit Often

List Of General "Don'ts"
- Don't Spam
- Too Many Submissions
- Don't Create Too Many
- Choosing The Right Keywords
- Don't Camouflage
Free Publicity Tips
Table of Contents:

- Compare Its Cost
- Not Worth A Fraction
- Getting Started... Which Tactics?

Why You Should Use Free Publicity
- It's Fun
- Massive Credibility
- Save Thousands
- Instant Trust And Respect
- Used By Anyone

How To Write A Press Release
- Never Tell Your Whole Story
- Template For A Killer Press Release
- The Headline
- The Summary
- Credentials and Quotation
- Call to Action

Sample Press Release

Biography And Questions & Answers Sheet
- Bio Sheet
- The "Rules"
- Q&A Sheet
- Questions?
- Make It Flow

Last Minute Guidelines
- Make It Interesting And Newsworthy
- Make It "Hot" And Shocking
- Target Your Audience
- Don't Brag!

How To Distribute Your Press Release
- Telephoning
- Mailing
- Emailing
- Big From Small
- It's Easy, Cheap And Super Fast
- Broadcast Faxing

Online Publicity Tactics
- What's An Ezine?
- Submitting Articles Vs. Classified Ads
- How & What To Write About
- Where To Submit
- How To Submit
- How To Send It Out
- Last Minute Tips

Where To Send Your Press Releases
- Online Services
- Offline/Traditional Resources
- Forget it!... Here's The Easy Way
Ad Copy Tips
Table of Contents

Anatomy Of A Direct Response Letter
- Headline
- Opening
- Offer Preview
- Sell Copy
- Introduce New Thoughts
- Offer
- Guarantee
- Call To Action
- P.S.

9 Essential Money-Making Ad Rules
- Right Product For The Right Audience
- Importance Of The Headline
- Visual Works With The Headline
- Lead Paragraph Expands On The Theme Of The Headline
- Body Copy Supports
- Be Specific
- Start With The Prospect, Not The Product
- Write In Clear, Simple, Natural, Conversational Style
- Decide What You Want The Reader To Do Next - Then Ask Him To Do It... And Make It Easy

Emotion Is What Really Sells
- First Step
- Make A List
- Sub-Head
- Begin Writing
- Get Emotional
- How Long?

Ten Ways To Get More Out Of Your Copy
- Sell Benefits Not Features
- Sell Him, Don't Tell Him
- Be Conversational
- Get To The Point
- Always Include A Postscript
- Long Copy Sells Better Than Short Copy
- Forget Grammar
- Use Words That Are "Active" Rather Than "Passive"
- Always Follow AIDA
- Copy Is Never Finished

Web Copy Introduction
- Get Physical
- Minor Changes... Big Results

Web Copy Tips
- Your Web Site's Design & Look
- Font Types, Sizes, Colors & Rules
- Page & Paragraph Length
- Invite Friends & Colleagues

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