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An Open Letter from Jimmy D. Brown To ANYONE 
Wanting to Become An Internet Success Story

"How YOU Can Become WILDLY Successful Online By Following Only Two Strategies That Work EVERY Time They Are Used!" 

These Two Things Will Change Your Online Business Forever ...BUT, 
You've Got To Know Them And Do Them!

Wednesday, 1:57 P.M. 
Re: How to Be Wildly Successful

Dear Friend:

Over and over and over again, I am asked the same question. 

Folks send me dozens of emails.  I get phone calls.  During interview after interview it comes up.  Whenever it comes to conversation about my internet business, I always get asked one question above everything else.

And that question is...

..."How did you become so successful, so fast?"

Anytime you go from a complete unknown to one of the most respected and trusted web marketing consultants in less than a year, folks want to know...


How did you do it?

In fact, as I write this letter to you, I am on my way to speak at an internet marketing seminar. My wife is driving. I'm pecking away on my laptop. And people are waiting to hear me share "how" to become successful online.  In fact, they've paid $997.00 a piece to show up.

Don't worry -- you won't have to pay that price. But, keep it to yourself. It's our secret, okay?

The point is, people want to know HOW. How can you REALLY become successful on the Internet.  And not just "successful," but "wildly successful!"

While there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle, it all boils down to two strategies.

These two strategies WILL (that's not a "might" or "should", but a "WILL") help you to find success online IF you apply them. There's no doubt about it.

And the reason that I say this is for a couple of reasons...

First, I have never known ANY "wildly" successful netrepreneur who doesn't apply these strategies.  They are UNIVERSAL.  I've done my research.  What worked for me is the exact same system that has worked for ALL "wildly" successful eBusiness owners.  There are no exclusions here.  This isn't a system that works only for a few.  It is a system that works for every single person who uses it, AND it's a system that every single successful person online has used, whether they realize it or not.

Secondly, ANYONE can use it.  I've looked at hundreds of success stories online.  And these folks come from all different walks of life.  Some are highly educated.  Others are high school dropouts.  Some are very creative.  Others don't have a creative bone in their body.  Some folks had a lot of money to invest.  Others were  headed for the poor house.  ANYONE can use what I am about to share and find real success online.  It doesn't matter what your qualifications are, or your skills or your resources.  It just matters that you have a desire to follow-through on what I am about to share with you.

So, this one's for you.

Really.  It is.  Get that in your head from the beginning.  This wasn't written for your neighbor or the local physician in your hometown.  It wasn't written for someone in another country or from another planet.

It's written for YOU.

Follow these two simple strategies and they will lead YOU to success

I did.  And I went from being completely broke and $30,000 in credit card debt, to earning a huge six-figure income online every year.  I earned more this past year than I have earned in my entire life combined.

And there's nothing stopping you from the same level of success.

If You Can Do Two Things, You Can Earn More
Money Online Than You Ever Dreamed Possible

I'll be real honest with you. (That's just the kind of person I am :o) There are a LOT of different things that go into doing business online. I'm talking dozens of things. Everything from uploading files to publishing an ezine to launching an affiliate program.

There are a LOT of different things that go into doing business online.

My formula for success won't eliminate those tasks. Sorry, no magic wand or genie in a bottle here. Work doesn't just disappear because you know the secret to success. By learning this formula, you'll still have to do things online. You'll still have to work. You'll still have to do all of the things that are a part of owning your own Internet business.

So, don't think it's a "get rich quick" scheme.  It's not.

Now, having said that, let me tell you what these two strategies will help you do...

  • Learn how to market your business online in the most effective way possible to generate the absolute best results every single time.

  • Learn how to generate website traffic just like the pros do.  Hint: You can REALLY generate as many visitors to your website as you want to if you just do this.

  • Learn how to create compelling sales letters that produce staggering conversion rates and pull in orders around the clock making your offer darn-near-impossible to refuse.

  • Learn how to write killer headlines that lock in eyeballs on your ads, and how to write ads that get folks to respond virtually without fail.

  • Learn how to become a top-selling affiliate in any program you choose, and the best methods to use in promoting your program for maximum results.

  • Learn how to create your own insanely popular products to sell on the Internet, and how to jump start your promotion for them to earn sales and profits this week.

  • Learn how to launch your own affiliate program, recruit super affiliates and get thousands of other people selling your product for you while you watch the profits roll in.

  • Learn how to publish a highly profitable newsletter that builds relationships, creates subscriber loyalty and becomes an automated sales tool that produces REAL profits.

Seriously, by following these two strategies, you can become successful in EVERYTHING related to doing business on the Internet by LEARNING.  Learning what other people who are successful are doing to become successful.

    ------------------- Critical Sidebar -------------------
    Important: How to Become Wildly Successful Online is NOT a tell-all guide to Internet marketing. This guide itself does not share any kind of internet marketing content...but rather shows you how to apply two simple strategies to become successful in internet marketing. This eBook is about research and application. Tony Robbins said, "If you want to be successful, find someone who achieved the results you want and copy what they do, and you'll achieve the same results." This guide shows you how to look at what other folks have done, how to take what works and how to use it for your own roadmap to success.  
    ------------------- Critical Sidebar -------------------

As I explain the two strategies in detail -- and how YOU can use them --, you'll read through dozens of case study references of folks who have used them to be wildly successful online. These folks have used the formula to become internet success stories...

    • Jimmy D. Brown of Profits Vault Monthly

    • Terry Dean of Netbreakthroughs

    • Allen Says of the Internet Marketing Warriors

    • Ken Evoy of Make Your Site Sell

    • Armand Morin of eCover Generator

    • Brian Garvin of Optin Lightning

    • Monique Harris of Paperless Newsletters

    • Tom Hua of eBook Wholesaler

    • Dustin Struckman of Quick Pay Pro

These are just a few of the folks that are referenced in this course -- giving details on how they actually applied the formula -- but there are hundreds, and even thousands more case studies that could easily have been included. How is this possible? Because EVERYONE who is successful online has applied these two strategies in some way.

So, here's the thing -- it's time to find out what REALLY WORKS online. Look around. You see that there ARE folks earning BIG BUCKS on the Internet. It's not a myth. It's real. The question is, HOW ARE THEY DOING IT?

That's what you'll be able to discover after reading How to Become Wildly Successful Online.

And then folks will be watching YOU to see how YOU DID IT.

You Can't Lose With Our Guilt-Free NO Risk Guarantee
and Access to The Entire Package...ALL For ONLY $18.97!

GUARANTEE: If How to Become Wildly Successful Online is not everything that we say it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then we will refund every penny of your money, within 90 days, with no questions asked. Just contact me  and tell me.

That's more than a guarantee, that's a promise.

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>> Master Reprint Rights. When your order a copy of "How To Become Wildly Successful Online" you'll automatically receive FREE master reprint rights.  Sell this course and keep every penny you earn...you'll receive a ready-made webpage template with sales letter just like this one.

>> Bonus Report. You'll also receive a FREE copy of the new report, "How To Be Successful In Everything." In this short report, Jimmy explains the 7 principles that will make you successful in EVERYTHING -- business, relationships, hobbies / sports, LIFE.

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