Autopilot Income Streams...

How to Create 100% Automated Income
That Flows in 24/7 on Remote Control

**Critical Question**

Wouldn't YOU really like to know how the "gurus" bring in hundreds and thousands every day without lifting a finger? Here's how they do it...


From the Computer of Jimmy D. Brown
Tuesday, 11:33 AM

Dear Friend,

You're going to love this.

Imagine a system that can bring in profits for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Imagine setting it up one-time, walking away from it...

...and letting it work 100% automatically.

Imagine selling products without buying ads. Imagine promoting affiliate programs without any real effort at all. Imagine building an online business without spending a fortune.

And then watch your imagination become reality right before your very eyes.

How to Quickly and Easily Setup
Your Own Autopilot Income Streams

What I am going to show you is both unbelievably simple and outrageously profitable. You'll be able to set the entire system up in less than a week (actually in less than a day, if you want) and then profit from it for life.

That's right, once the system is in place -- it remains in place indefinitely.

In Autopilot Income Streams, you're going to learn how to setup your own system that automatically brings in profits around-the-clock. You'll discover things like...

v A quick and easy, 3-step system that anyone can use to create a profit pulling system that automatically brings in income. 

You'll discover a 100% fool-proof formula for creating eCourses that can generate over $100,000 a year in profits for you.  NOTE:  This is based completely upon what Jimmy D. Brown does to earn a six-figure income with automated follow-up YOU can too!

v 7 ready-made eCourse lesson templates you can use to simply "fill-in-the-blanks" to create order-producing eCourse "lessons."

You'll have immediate access to Jimmy's incredible set of templates -- you just enter your own information into each of the 7 daily templates as you build your eCourse content. Anyone can use this simple system to create the perfect eCourse in less than a week (in less than a day if you want!)

v Incredible ideas for generating your eCourse content in a matter of minutes. 

You won't need to write all of the content yourself -- in fact, you don't need to write any of it, if you don't want to. Jimmy will show you how to get content for your eCourse without writing a single word of the materials yourself. NOTE: These are incredible strategies that some of the most successful eMarketers are using online today.

v 30 Power-Packed pages of step-by-step instructions that you can begin using immediately upon downloading your copy of Autopilot Income Streams. 

No sifting through countless pages of fluff to get to the good stuff. This manual is "short, sweet and to-the-point." 30 pages of nothing but the meat. Every page is filled with rock-solid content. Every page has a powerful idea. Every sentence is important. Everything is laid out in a detailed, easy-to-understand system that you really can begin using immediately.

An eCourse? What the heck is it?
And why should I want one?

Good question. Now, let me provide a good answer.

An eCourse is simply a series of related lessons that are distributed at regular intervals via an automated email service known as an "autoresponder." Intermingled in these eCourse lessons are product and service offers that generate profits.

The idea is to offer high-quality content along with product and service recommendations.

That's a formula for success. The reason I know this is because...

  • Last year alone I earned over $120,000 in profits that were generated through eCourses.

  • Last year alone over 10,000 new subscribers joined my lists through reading my eCourses.

  • Currently, I generate over 125 new subscribers every day through eCourses. That's 3,700+ each month and a pace of over 45,000 for this year. And the ratio grows every week.

And every bit of it is done through an automated system. I set them up once and walk away. The system does the rest for me. It's an incredible funnel that pulls in profits like a vacuum sucks up dirt.

Many of the "gurus" of online marketing are beginning to follow my lead. These eCourses are popping up all over the web. And there is a simple reason why...

...they work!

Like I said, it's an incredible funnel that pulls in profits like a vacuum sucks up dirt.

BUT, you've gotta have a good vacuum in order to get the job done, right? I mean, there's a BIG difference between the effectiveness of a $30.00 vacuum from the discount store and a $500.00 Electrolux.

You want to make certain that your eCourse system is a high-quality, powerful system that works like the "big boys" instead of a poorly organized flop.

That's where Autopilot Income Streams comes in. In AIS, you'll learn everything you need to know, including...

  • How to create a wildly profitable eCourse that brings in profits for you automatically as it virtually takes care of itself.

  • 2 insightful reasons why you need your own eCourse instead of using someone else's. HINT:  You could be missing out on thousands in profits if you don't create your own.

  • Three simple "checklist" questions to answer before you even begin to work on your eCourse to help you accomplish exactly what you want from setting up your system.

  • How to promote any kind of product or service offer you want with your ecourses including: your own products, affiliate programs, MLM, monthly membership sites, eBook collections, reprint rights -- anything!

  • How to receive a much higher conversion rate of turning readers into paying customers by doing one simple thing that you control completely.

  • A 3-step system for developing the concept of your eCourse and how this is critical to getting folks to accept your offers and buy what you are promoting.

  • The one thing you should never do when creating an eCourse. HINT:  If you make this mistake, it could cost you thousands.

Are you beginning to see how useful this manual can be to YOUR success online? In Autopilot Income Streams you find everything you need to know in order to create your own eCourse that really does pull in profits around-the-clock.

But, that's just the beginning. Even though Autopilot Income Streams is only 30 pages in length, it is filled with high-quality, useful content. You'll also discover things like...

  • How to create the perfect title for your eCourse that grabs the attention of potential subscribers like a scary movie grabs the attention of those at the theatre. HINT: This is one of the biggest keys to a successful eCourse -- and most overlook it.

  • The eCourse "two-step" that generates subscribers fast enough to make your head spin. One part grabs the attention, the other part convinces them to subscribe immediately.

  • A sample template "design" that I personally use for my eCourses. Simply plug in your own content into the template design to create your own professional looking eCourse messages.

  • Fill-in-the-blank eCourse templates that you can use to write an eCourse about any topic you choose...including over a dozen real-life example ideas to show you exactly how to use them.

  • 3 easy content ideas you can use to create insightful and powerful eCourse lessons in a matter of minutes -- and how to use these ideas to actually generate more income for you.

  • An insider "trick" that I use to generate thousands in extra profits every month by "bribing" the readers of my eCourses. NOTE:  When you read this, you'll want to immediately make the same kind of offer -- and I'll even give you some examples of how to use the "trick" yourself right now.

  • 6 amazing ideas for using your final eCourse message as a beginning and not an ending. Discover how to continue interacting with your readers long after they have read all of the messages in your eCourse...and how that translates into even more money in your bank account.

Yeah, I know, I know. "How in the world can all of this information be included in only 30 pages of reading?"

It's almost unreal -- but, it's 100% completely true. It's all packed within this manual. No eye strain. No long nights of reading. Just an hour of your time to read the manual and you're ready to begin putting the system to work for you.

And you'll learn it all. I mean everything. Things like...

  • 3 super easy ways to profit from your eCourse -- exactly how to generate income with your lessons -- you can begin using within minutes of downloading the manual.

  • 10 quick and easy bonus tips for eCourse success. These simple strategies will show you how to take your eCourse to the next level of profitability.

  • How to get even better results and generate maximum effectiveness in getting folks to subscribe to your eCourse. NOTE:  I currently receive over 100 new subscribers every single day using this technique.

  • How to increase your conversion rate of readers into buyers by as much as a staggering 1400% by doing one simple thing that takes seconds to insert.

  • How to keep your readers interested in your eCourse lessons so they read every single word you write...and make it to the final message without unsubscribing. This is the key to generating income -- you've gotta keep them reading before they will ever start buying.

  • How to use one eCourse to generate multiple streams of income automatically, without any additional work on your part. It's quick and easy to setup.

  • 3 simple (but powerful!) ways to earn even more profits from your eCourse with reprint rights.

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Master Reprint Rights to AIS...

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