Discover How You Can Earn Piles of Cash 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week - Even While You Sleep!

For just $9.99 USD you'll get the Best Automation Manual Ever Written. Plus you can Resell this Course and Keep 100% of the Profits!


"Dustin Struckman's training and Online systems have put thousands of extra dollars into our pockets." Dan Gottesman

Dear Internet Friend,

If you are at all serious about making money online, this will be the most important letter you've ever lucked onto. Here's why:

You're about to learn exactly how to create your very own Automatic Money Machine. You'll be given complete step-by-step instructions showing you exactly what to do from start to finish, so that you can earn piles of cash while you sleep.

"Hey Dustin, just wanted to say thanks a bunch! Your techniques are easy to follow and I've been using them lately to make as much as $2,000 a day from the comfort of home. I'll be telling others about you, that's for sure. Keep up the great work!" Jerome Chapman, CEO, Net Solutions, Inc.

"Building YOUR Automatic Money Machine!" is the most complete Step-by-step guide to making money in your sleep available.

EVERY Internet Marketing Expert knows that automation is the key to success. Isn't it time that you learned exactly how to automate your entire business?

What are the benefits of automation?

More time - You can spend your time as you please, because your entire business runs on "Autopilot"!

More money - Since your business will be totally automated, you're free to focus on marketing and expansion - the things that make you more money.

Unlimited income - When you automate your business, you can sell an unlimited amount of your products and it takes no extra time.

Freedom - Making money without having to spend your time, means you can do whatever you like, whenever you like. Time + Money = Freedom!

"....not only has his system helped us make more money ($80,000 more!) but what's more important to me is that I'm now able to earn this money from my home." Dan Gottesman

Imagine this: You wake up in the morning (or afternoon) to find your email in-box filled with orders. They came in while you were sleeping and you don't even know where they came from. It's just like getting free money . . . it's seems like magic!

But here's what really happened: You built YOUR Automatic Money Machine using the step-by-step instructions in this eBook. Then while you were asleep, your Automatic Money Machine:

  • Sent people to your Web Site
  • Sold them your product
  • Took their order
  • Charged their credit card
  • Deposited the money into your bank account
  • And then, sent you an email to let you know about it

Your Automatic Money Machine will do this for you again and again without any involvement or time required from you.

Can you image owning a machine like that? Well, now you don't have to dream about it, because you're just seconds away from learning how to build one.

Why should you listen to me?

In short, because I know what I'm talking about. Take a look at my track record:

  • I made over $1600 my very first month marketing Online.
  • I generated over 137,000 Hits to my Site in my Second Month.
  • I went from over $40,000 in debt to being completely debt free in six months.
  • Currently, I make up to $1200 a day Online!
  • Best of all, I have no job!

Click HERE for General PROOF!

Click HERE for Specific PROOF!

I accomplished all of this by creating my Automatic Money Machine™.

I'm not bragging. I just want you to know that you will learn the System I used to do this. You will discover Exactly what to do to build YOUR Automatic Money Machine.

  • Imagine getting out of bed when you wake up - not when the alarm goes off.

  • Imagine planning your life based on what you want to do - not what you have to.

  • Imagine having total freedom and not being controlled by lack of time or money.

Well, that's exactly what Building YOUR Automatic Money Machine can do for you. I'm a 27 year old Philosophy Major, so think about this: If I can do it, so can you!

"Dustin's system is amazing!  I've been working a home-based business for over 5 years, and within my first 6 months of using his system my income increased by $7,000 a month.  That's over $42,000 EXTRA in just 6 months!!!  The tools he has put together work - it's idiot proof. . . . get started and apply the tools!" Ryan Tacher

What, exactly, will you learn ?

How to automate your "prospecting" - Exactly how to capture prospects and follow-up with them effectively until you make the sale. You'll learn how to automate this process and you'll even be given templates so you know what to say.

How to automate your sales process - You'll get step-by-step instructions for setting up the entire thing from start to finish. This includes instructions on setting up:

  • Your Web Site
  • Your Ordering System (including different options for real-time credit card processing)
  • Delivery of Your Product
  • Customer Follow-up

How to automate customer follow-up and increase profits through "back-end" sales - Again, you'll learn how to automate the process and I'll even give you templates so you know what to say!

How to automate your affiliate program and make unlimited income - The key to serious income is having hundreds or even thousands of people selling your product for you. You'll learn all your different options for setting this up. You'll also learn how to automate:

  • Your affiliate sign up
  • Your affiliate training
  • Your affiliate tracking
  • And your affiliate payments

What the best tools and resources to use are - I've spent countless hours researching, testing, and experimenting to find the best of everything you need. You'll get all my personal tools and recommendations.

So much more . . . - It's difficult for me to include everything that's in the Automatic Money Machine on this page, but just listen to what others are saying about "Building YOUR Automatic Money Machine!":

"I think that BYAMM contains more information in one place than any other "easy to read and understand" document that I can remember. I think that it will be very popular and sought out. Dustin has done lots of research and spent uncountable hours to bring this information together into one document. He will be responsible for the success of a lot of people." Joe Shockley, Star Runner Communications, Inc.

"Hi Dustin, I want to thank you for putting together the outstanding step-by-step program. Your system has allowed me, as a complete novice, to begin to make sense of the internet marketing world by allowing me to move at my own pace along a clearly defined course of progress. Your system works! Thanks for putting it together. I will definitely be referring others to your website." Becky Griffin

"Since my partners and I have been using this system, my business has doubled in size." Darryl Untilan

"I owe a great deal of thanks to Dustin Struckman. Dustin has found a way to make this a very easy process that is smooth and thorough. My income has jumped into the thousands." Jody Garmon

Please don't try to build an Internet
Business without reading this manual first!

After reading this eBook, you'll wonder how you ever survived without the information it contains. You'll learn all the automation secrets that every top marketer is using. And if you are even slightly serious about making money online, you need this info.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do business Online - make sure you know the right way!

Now, here comes the best part...

Royalty Free resell rights included!

I know you'll make so much more money in so much less time by applying my system to your business that you'll think I'm crazy for not charging 10 times as much for this course. Maybe I am. But I'm not stopping there.

To make the deal even sweeter for you, I've included the complete resale rights. Giving you the resale rights means you can sell my product for $9.99 USD and keep 100% of the profits! These resale rights are worth $450!

You'll even get a complete Mini-site, exactly like this one - ready to take orders! Your Mini-site includes all the custom graphics and design work along with this killer sales letter. That's everything you need to start making money today. (A Professional Web Site like this is worth over $1000!)

90-Day, Risk-Free Trial!

In addition to everything else, you can order with complete confidence that you're guaranteed to be overjoyed with the step-by-step instructions you receive. You don't have to decide today. Examine it, try it out, and make sure it works for you for a full 90 days without risk. So you can order now risk-free For Only $9.99 USD.

Here's how to start now with instant access...

Every site you see that's making money online is using these secrets, now it's time for you to build YOUR Automatic Money Machine!

Simply click here to order now for only $9.99 USD, and within minutes you can be Building YOUR Automatic Money Machine!

To YOUR Automatic Success!

PS Remember that by taking action right now, you could easily get your investment back today with the included resell-rights! Please don't wait any longer to get started Building YOUR Automatic Money Machine.

PPS You may have noticed that there are no "bonuses" in this offer... here's why: Frankly, there's no need for them. The value of the product is so high, and the price is so low, that you can't afford not to order. Besides the resale rights and the complete MiniSite are worth over $1450 anyhow!



ONLY $ 9.99

Best Of Success!

Remember, if your order today you will get INSTANT resale rights. So, this is a GREAT chance to build huge search engine listings plus make extra cash at the same time by selling the software yourself from your own site!!  Order Today...


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