Heres the information my Internet insider friends told me I was crazy to release

Finally, the First Practical, 
Step-By-Step, Roadmap for 
Internet Success No Matter What Product or Service You Sell
100% Guaranteed!

Give me 33 days and Ill prove you can be making real money online
or Ill refund every penny you paid and let you keep all these valuable bonuses for your trouble!

BRAND New and Completely Updated for 2005!

You'll get new and expanded sections on driving a stampede of new traffic to your site with:

  • Google AdWords: In just 7 minutes or less you can start driving super qualified and targeted visitors from Google right to your site... and start making sales the same day! If you know these secrets

  • Linking strategies: The most powerful overlooked way to get top search engine placements for your site and massive amounts of NEW traffic!

  • Articles: How to write articles that bring visitors to your site for weeks, months, even years... without spending a dime on advertising! (Plus the secret to using articles with RSS & Blogging.)

  • Affiliate Program and JVs: New updated information on how to create massive windfalls of traffic and sales.but you only pay AFTER a customer purchases.

And you'll get more ways to convert those visitors into sales over and over again:

  • Copywriting: What's the real secret to getting your visitors to reach for their wallets once they hit your site? Find out the most powerful psychological triggers to practically force people to click and buy.

  • How to capture the name, email and mailing address of EVERY single qualified and interested prospect who hits your site.

  • Maximizing Sales: How a simple 4-minute change can instantly boost your site's revenues 24%, 56%, 87% or more without getting one additional visitor.

Plus, HOT New Bonuses Just Added

  • RSS and Blogging - How to master the hottest trend in online marketing for 2005 and beyond!

  • 10 Fast and Easy Ways to create your own information product. Tap into the most lucrative products you can sell onlinein a snap!

  • And lots more...

Dear Internet Friend,

Yes, you really can make money online.

And Im so sure of it - Im willing to put my money where my mouth is. But first, let me share a story with you

When my friend Carolyn was nine, she wanted to bake a cake to surprise her parents. She  went into the kitchen and starting mixing together flour, sugar, chocolate chips, ice cream and just about anything else she could find that looked good.

You can probably imagine how it turned out. It wasnt a pretty sight. Carolyn ended up with a big mess and something (she couldnt even call it a cake) that tasted absolutely horrible.

Now today, if shes baking a cake shell start with a recipe. Carolyn explained to me how she measures out all the ingredients and follows the exact instructions on the recipe. Now her cakes turn out pretty good and she even gets a couple of compliments. 

Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Internet marketing?

Actually lots!

You see, making money online without a proven plan is a lot like trying to bake a cake without a recipeyoull only end up making lots of mistakes, a big mess and wasting a bunch of money.

Seems pretty easy, right? But the truth is, Ive found more people confused, perplexed, puzzled and just plain baffled about Internet marketing. And who wouldnt be? There are more self-proclaimed gurus and wannabe gurus out there than you can shake a stick at.

The problem is who can you believe online?

Everyones running around telling you they have the secrets to Internet marketing and making money online. There are so many hyped-up "get rich quick" schemes floating around the Internet -- it drives me crazy!

I say, Show me the proof! Let me see what you are selling on the Internet that isn't "how to get rich quick on the Internet". (Isnt there something wrong with that picture?)

I don't think you could find many takers there.

And yet, that's exactly what I've done. In only a few short months I've achieved the ultimate Internet "fantasy" of making a lot of money from a simple web site that runs itself virtually on autopilot (and no, it didn't have anything to do with sleazy porn sites or selling "get rich quick" information).

"Jim Edwards and Yanik Silver hit the Internet nail right on the head in their brilliant and realistic '33 Days to Online Profits.'  They actually lead you by the hand from total online innocence to mastery of profits on the Net.  

I highly recommend that you follow their roadmap to your success."

Jay Conrad Levinson
Author, "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books

You can start with a few bucks and a good idea to
make lots of money online! I did, and Ill teach you how!

My first web site, Instant Sales Letters, is responsible for bringing me a hefty six-figure income. Just last month it raked in $21,663.27. (Not bad considering it takes me a couple hours a week to look after and I run the whole thing out of the corner of my living room.)

And thats just the start. Here are a few quick highlights from my proven Internet track record:

  • A simple 2-week project created a massive profit windfall of $9,842.00 in just 4 days and the next project I released netted me $15,561.49 in just 5 days.

  • Sold $43,668.73 in 24 hours from a tiny list of 4200 people and that figured ballooned to over six-figured in less than 4 days.

  • 2 emails brought in over $52,275.00 in less than 14 days from a tiny group of 1267 recipients.

  • I'm regularly invited to speak at $1,000.00 to $5,000.00/per person Internet seminars. (You better believe I wouldn't be invited back if I didn't deliver real information.) Plus, I'm the featured Internet expert in the #1 marketing newsletter in the country, Dan Kennedy's NO B.S. Newsletter.

But I'm not the only one!

My partner, Jim Edwards, is no slacker either:

Jim writes a weekly newspaper column on Internet marketing. 

Hes published and sold several best selling books online including, "Selling Your Home Alone, "The TEN Dirty Little Secrets of Mortgage Financing" and hes the co-author of the perennial blockbuster -

How to Write and Publish your own eBook in as little as 7Days

Whats more, another electronic information product Jim recently created did over $91,460 in sales in less than 5 months!

As you can see, we both walk our talk something that isnt too common online.

Thats why Jim and I have teamed up to give you a simple 33-day plan that almost anybody can follow to start making real money online. Its called 33 days to Online Profits

One thing you should know: This resource is unlike anything youve ever seen.

Actually, youll think of this as your cookbook to Internet marketing. You simply follow the step-by-step, day-by-day instructions for 33 days and we guarantee youll turbo charge your online sales. 

Weve taken all the guesswork out of it and it doesnt matter what product or service youre selling (as long as people actually want it). So that means

33 days from today - your friends won't be laughing at your 'silly ideas about making money online

Honestly, we couldnt make it any easier for you if we triedand the best part is you can start right now!

Now, were not saying this doesnt require work. Of course it does. Anything worth achieving does.

But, if you simply make a commitment to spend the same time you normally do in front of the TV working our system we guarantee youll be earning money online in 33 days or less (well tell you about our extraordinary guarantee in a moment).

Heres What A Few Experts Had To
Say About This Program When They Saw A Sneak Preview:

"Yanik & Jim,

33 Days is clearly your best product to date! This is an excellent step-by-step manual for launching virtually any online product using a
proven formula.

It's also one of the first books I've ever seen that's easy enough for
even a beginner to understand. I love your specific examples and your
motivational approach. Great job!"

Jonathan Mizel

PS - I really mean it... Great Job!

"I've read tons of information about how to make money on the Web, but I've never seen anything like this

"33 Days..." is full of practical, proven, how-to advice framed in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format. 

What a brilliant idea! I just went through the program one day at a time, which was wonderful to maintain focus.

Best of all, since I implemented all the strategies in the manual, 
I've increased my sales by 50%! Thank you Yanik and Jim!!!"

-- Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen"

"I was skeptical when I looked at the title--- but then I started reading the book and was SPEECHLESS!

This thing is FANTASTIC! Despite the fact that I have YEARS of experience online, I'm now using this 33-day easy-to-follow strategy on MY next online project! 

Why? Because it condenses everything you need to know and do into a simple daily action plan ANYONE can implement. 

The information, links, tips, and inside tricks are worth GOLD!"

Joe Vitale, the world's first Hypnotic Marketer

"Finally, a most remarkable, simple and practical guide for anyone -- notice I say *ANYONE* -- who wants to make a fantastic living from the Internet."

"This ebook leads you from point to point like a well made map. All you have to do is follow each step and success is assured. It could not be simpler. It could not be easier. 

The list of resources is, alone, worth a hundred times the cost of this course. Those who have a dream of earning a lot of money from their internet business would be well advised to get '33 Days to Online Profits' immediately and to start using it right away."

This is one of my highest recommendations.

John Harricharan, Award-winning author 
"When You Can Walk on Water take the Boat." 

"Yanik Silver is the Mark McGwire of launching moneymaking Internet sites -- he gets a profitable 'hit' more often than anybody I know."

"Unlike a lot of books that give you lots of ideas but no few specific tips for
how to actually implement them, this product breaks down the process for
launching a profitable online business into bite-size tasks that anyone can implement. 

It's really like the "Cliff Notes" for making money on the web and therefore, it's a bargain at ten times the price."

Bill Harrison, Executive Editor
Book Marketing Update,

"WoW! Finally, a take-me-by-the-hand-til-I'm-making-money blueprint for earning big bucks on the Internet!"

"Congratulations Yanik and Jim, SO many would-be entrepreneurs, and even those already along the way, desperately need not only what you teach, but how you teach it!"

Rick Beneteau, Author 
The Ezine Marketing Machine

"33 Days To Online Profits is more than an ebook... it's a step by step blueprint that takes you by the hand and guides you to a successful online business."

"It's so easy to follow a child could do it! I've been running an online business since 1995... and I still learned several incredible new strategies!

Thanks! I sure wish I'd had it when I started out!"

Larry Dotson, Co-Author
"Hypnotic Writer's Swipe File"
- A collection of hypnotic words, phrases and sentences guaranteed to double -- even triple your sales.

"You and Jim have done an unbelievable job with '33 Days to Online Profits'; I thought I knew a lot about kicking off a new product or service on line, but I couldn't put my copy down until I'd gone completely through it. 

The links you include are everything someone needs to get his or her site up and running and promoted...I must confess that I used 2 or 3 of the techniques you outline for one of my new online products. I can't see why anyone who's interested in getting things going, and going fast, wouldn't get '33 Day' and then use it. Great work!"

John Keel, Author
"Instant Website Traffic"


If youd like to see why theyre so excited and if you want to watch your online profits soar, 33 Days to Online Profits is for you. Whether you're a complete Internet newbie or a seasoned veteran, this guide will work for you.

Its set up as a comprehensive lesson plan each day for 33 days. You simply click open the ebook and it walks you through from Day 1 to Day 33 of exactly how to turn a profit inside your web business. Each lesson is laid out for you in complete detail. Nothing is left out.

And it doesnt stop there. One of the biggest problems most people have with all the flimsy Internet marketing ebooks and courses, is that they tell you what to do, but they dont show you exactly how to do it and make sure it gets done!

Not here! After explaining each days activity in full detail youll get a homework assignment and resources for that day to make sure you stay on track.

And if youre thinking youll have to spend hundreds of dollars for each days lesson buying up useless software programs or other products - dont worry. If we make a suggestion for a resource, its only because it will speed up your success and Jim and I would never tell you to use anything we havent personally tried ourselves first! (Or, if youre on a really tight budget theres a special section devoted to getting maximum results with little or no money.)

But, what about your time commitment?

Look, we know you live in the real world and you cant devote every waking moment to your new Internet business. Thats okay because weve designed your daily homework assignments so you can easily do all of this part-time.

Here are Just a Few of the Daily Lessons Well Go Through Together To Get You on The Road to Making Money Online:

Week One Getting Online and Ready for Business:

         What one question do you need to answer before to assure yourself of success online?

         A simple method to choosing your domain name for maximum results (never, ever register a domain name until you follow these 2 steps).

         What the first job of your web site really is.

         How to avoid being taken by any scams and avoid the big mistakes that spell disaster before you even start.

         The absolute most critical skill you need for online success (and no, it has nothing to do with being a computer genius)!

         Why almost everyone is absolutely dead wrong about how they set-up their site

Week Two Laying the Groundwork for Marketing Online:

         A simple way to increase your sales by up to 87% and how to put the entire system on complete auto pilot.

         Achieve a top 10 search engine placement without spending hours and hours fiddling with your site.

         3 critical questions you need answered before you can promote your web site.

         How to actually get your site listed #1 in the Yahoo directory (get this right and youll send tons of free traffic to your site)!

         Take a tiny investment of $10, $20 or $40 and make it explode into thousands of dollars in sales.

Week Three Laying the Groundwork for Traffic:

         Start generating thousands and thousands of dollars in free advertising using this one simple formula.

         How to legally advertise on the most highly trafficked forums and discussion boards.

         Why you should be happy to see lots of competition and how to make those same competitors thrilled to send you their best customers and traffic.

Week Four Get Ready for Serious Traffic:

         How to make 24% - 68% of your customers immediately increase their orders 25%-35% just by adding one simple page. (Very slick and powerful.)

         How to get hundreds, even thousands of websites working for you advertising and selling your product.

Week Five Roll Out Your Business for Serious Profits:

         The magic of backend marketing! A simple method that made $9,188.00 in just 72 hours with absolutely zero costs.

         Find out EXACTLY what your customers want to buy from you nextwithout guessing or leaving it to chance.

         And much, much more

How much would you pay to get day-by-day instructions from 2 top Internet marketing experts every day for 33 days? 
How about $1.48 per Day?

So it all adds up to this: For less than the price of a cup of coffee, Jim and I are willing to take you by the hand, push you, and prod you every step from ground zero to making money inside 33 days to Online Profits.

Youll never again have to spin your wheels and run around in circles trying to get your website to show a profit. You wont have to settle for less than maximum results once you commit yourself to 33 Days to Online Profits.

Get Started Instantly

All you need to get started is the decision that youll commit yourself to following each of the 33 days weve outlined in this course. Your entire investment is just $20. We think youll agree this is a tremendous bargain compared to anything else out there. In fact, Jim and I were originally planning on selling this information for $199.00 but we wanted to make sure nearly anybody could afford it and wouldnt have an excuse not to get it.

So click here now to grab it for just $20

Heres the Best Guarantee 
Youll Ever See! 
Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed

Guarantee: This new program comes with a no-questions, no-quibble, 6 weeks money back guarantee. If for any reason (or no reason), you decide this information isnt right for you, just email us at any time within 6 weeks , and well buy it back from you for every penny you paid.

That's a full 6 weeks to put us to the test - all the risk is on us!

Now, the only way you can lose is by missing out on this deal.

Our Internet friends think were certifiably nuts to offer such a great deal and incredible guarantee. We cant promise we wont be raising the price soon.

Really, theres really nothing left to say. Weve done just about everything possible to getting started with 33 Days to Online Profits right away. In fact, if theres something we havent done (short of giving it away) that you think we should have let us know. Otherwise, itll be a huge mystery if you chose not to get in on this deal.

Think about it, you could keep stumbling and fumbling around trying to make the Internet work or you could get 2 proven coaches for just $1.18 per day to work for you.

Your Internet friends,


"Revenue on my site has tripled since buying your ebook, and I'm not even implementing all of your ideas. 

I bought "33Days" several months ago for about $30. I used 4 suggestions from your information and it increased my profits so much, that I haven't had time to go back through the rest of the documents I purchased from you. 

I'm not even using 25% of the knowledge you sent me and I'm already having a hard time keeping up with the increased sales.

I'm not a millionaire. I'm currently generating about $1,000 a month from my site. That might not sound like much to people, but this is something that nobody thought I could do, and I have no tangible products. I simply created a website about a niche idea and I'm charging people to use it. That extra money is 2 car payments and who wouldn't want their car payments to go away?

There are definite marketing secrets that you have taught me. These aren't scams or trickery, it's simply based on research and results. I promise to get through the rest of your course, and when I do, I just know I'll start making the big bucks."

Peter Jazwinski

"In March 2002, I purchased 33 Days to Online Profits and Instant Sales Letters. These two products have changed my life dramatically! I followed the instructions like a robot because I had no prior experience. Now, with working only 2 hours per day, I am now earning an additional $26,425.82 per year by selling one my e-book. If I can do it anyone can!"
- Tanya L. Dominick

* *
"I already have a one page direct selling web site up and running offering an E-Book for sale with dating tips and techniques for meeting the right one ( Presentation is excellent - easy to follow guide - great price too! Yes, you were right - I'm not disappointed."
Susan Rasmussen,

"Thanks...I owe so much of my success to you and your products. As soon as I pay off some of these student loans *blah*, I have already planned to pickup your BIG treasure chest of goodies.... Gotta get those student loans out of the way first though, $23,000 worth of them! But thanks to all your other OUTSTANDING products, I've had a pretty good start. It felt good to lay down a payment of $2000 from last months profits!"
- Tony Boswell, Kansas City, MO

"I've read tons of information about how to make money on the Web, but I've never seen anything like this. "33 Days..." is full of practical, proven, how-to advice framed in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format. What a brilliant idea! I just went through the program one day at a time, which was wonderful to maintain focus....Best of all, since I implemented all the strategies in the manual,
I've increased my sales by 50%. Thank you Yanik and Jim!!!"
-- Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen"

"Second, a year ago I bought the 33 days book and followed everything to the letter that pertained to what I do. I'm a Marriage & Family Therapist. For about 6 months, if you typed the keywords "marriage counseling" I was #1!! This is quite impressive, and particularly because I took your advice to find my keywords (discarding my old domain name, Indeed, the internet brought me clients that walked right in my door and I have you to thank. "
- Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn, PhD

"I used the "33 Days" course to launch my first website. It's pulling between 6% and 7% on a very small test. I used an ezine ad to get leads to the site. Haven't even gotten my autoresponder up and running yet."
- John Angel

"Just a note to congratulate you on your incredibly useful ebook "33 Days". I found it one of the most concise and helpful ebooks I have ever read. Your step by step layout is brilliant, and anyone who follows it is most certainly assured success in their marketing campaigns.
In a world where Ebooks full of regurgitated drivel are more common than "Stray Cats", 33 Days is a true breath of fresh air!"
Keep up the good work.
Len Thurmond

"When I read 33 Days To Online Profits, I could not believe just how much you gave away. The tips, the strategies, and the insider secrets you reveal really do blow away any other report I've ever read (and I've read a lot!). Listen, ease up on the value here, or we'll have to lower our consultancy fees, and just start directing our clients to your site!"
- Craig Leggo

"My Name is Stuart Daniel. Approximately 30 days ago I purchased "33 Days.." Over the past year, I have spent $100's , countless hours downloading ebooks and reports, all with the promise to "guarantee your success. Your training manual "33 Days.." has helped my son and I:
* Build our web site without previous marketing experience 
* Get the site hosted and on the Internet. 
* Accept credit cards, and many other very useful things."
- Stuart Daniel
Ontario, Canada

"Last week I purchased your "33 Days to Online Profits". It is an incredible piece of work. I have never seen such a comprehensive, detailed, step-by-step presentation on any subject."
- Peter Ayers
Portland, Oregon

"And indeed, it is I who should be thanking you for all the guidance and education you have given me, although we have never met in person.  I ordered your 33 Days to Online profits, fully expecting to request a refund in far less than 33 days!  I'm now on Day 28 of the course, and have already created what appears like a 'killer' sales site!" 
- Dr. Mani

"Yes, having now put this proven plan into action, and witnessed it's tremendous success. I wholeheartedly recommend it to all. It is easy and straight forward to apply and it does (if you follow the simple blueprint) meet the guarantees and other endorsements given to it. I believe everyone can get the success they deserve from using this superb opportunity."
- D R Draper
EliteMedia International, UK

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